Gustavus Adolphus College
HPLC Optimization Tool

The '2-Parameter' Case for Isocratic, Reversed-Phase Separations (ver. 2.0 beta)

The fundamental goal of this tool is to calculate, for a user-specified particle size and column dead time, the mobile phase velocity and column length that will yield the largest plate count in the time specified (at the pressure limit specified).
#1 - (Red)
#2 - (Blue)
Column Temperature (oC) Column Permeabilitya (Φ)
Maximum Pressure (bar) Interstitial Porosity (εe, 0-1)
Particle Size (μm) Intraparticle Porosity (εi, 0-1)
Column Dead Time (to, s)      
Column Diameter (mm) van Deemter Coefficients (in reduced terms)    
      A (1-2)
Organic Modfier Fraction (MeCN, 0-1) B (3-20)
Analyte Diffusion Coef. @ 40 oC (cm2/s) C (0.03-0.20)

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Optimum Velocity (u*e, cm/s) Ψ
Optimum Flow Rate (mL/min) λ
Optimum Column Length (L*, cm) η (Pa*s)
Optimized Plate Count (N*) ν
van Deemter Optimum Velocity (ue,opt, cm/s) h
Particle Diameter Crossovers (to, s)     H (cm)
1.8/3.5 εt
3.5/5.0 Dm at T
a) Column permeability based on the interstitial velocity; typical range is 500 to 1000

© Copyright 2008, Dwight R. Stoll, Peter W. Carr, and Xiaoli Wang, All Rights Reserved

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