The '2-Parameter' Case for Isocratic,
Reversed-Phase Separations (ver. 2.0 beta)
The fundamental goal of this tool
is to calculate, for a user-specified particle size and column dead
time, the mobile phase velocity and column length that will yield the
largest plate count in the time specified (at the pressure limit
Typical ranges for input parameters are shown in parentheses;
typical values are entered as inputs by default where appropriate, but
are fully adjustable
See superscripts and corresponding footnotes below for more
detailed information
We like feedback; please email us at fast2dlc(at)gmail(dot)com
with comments, questions, or suggestions
Credits - Plotting on this page uses the 'divgraph.js'
package written by Dr. Bob Hansen at St. Olaf College
a) Column permeability based on the interstitial velocity; typical
range is 500 to 1000