Geometry Explorer
Beta Version of 2.0:
Version: Geometry Explorer Version 2.0Beta
(Released 3/7/2007) To download any of these installer files,
right click (ctrl or apple-click for one button mice) on the file and
choose "Save Link As" to save the installer file to your computer.
Then, on Macintosh and Windows machines, double-click the installer
file to run the installation program. On Linux machines follow
the instructions below.
Windows 98/NT/XP: Minimum Required configuration:
>= 500 mhz, at least 39 mb of hard disk space (~29 mb for the
10 mb for the program once installed), and 128 mb of RAM.
Linux: Minimum Required configuration: CPU speed
>= 500mhz, at least 30 mb of hard disk space and 128 mb of
RAM. A Java virtual machine
is required at the level of JDK1.4 or above. Download the following
file and install the program by typing "sh" in a
After installation, you may need to change permissions on the
executable (labeled "GeometryExplorer").
OS X: Minimum Required configuration: CPU speed >=
500mhz, at
least 14 mb of hard disk space (~4 mb for the compressed
and 10 mb for the program files once decompressed), and 128 mb of RAM.
(Make sure you have the latest version of Stuffit Expander and the
latest updated Java software before downloading)
Macintosh OS 9: (!!Note- support for System 9 is
limited. There will be no new updates
for System 9 as of 1/1/2004) Minimum Required
PowerPC class
computer with CPU speed >= 200mhz, at least
17 mb of hard disk space (~7 mb for the compressed distribution and 10
mb for the program files once decompressed), and 128 mb of RAM. Apple's
Java implementation (MRJ) at level MRJ2.1.4 or
higher is also required. You can download MRJ 2.1.4 from Apple's site
. Note: MRJ 2.1.4 is not optimized
for memory usage. You may experience occasional
memory problems when running the program. It is best not to use
"big memory" programs, like Netscape, when running Geometry
Explorer under System 9.
Documentation: There is a
PDF version of the Geometry
Guide available. (revised March 2007)