Greek Life at Gustavus - Sororities en Delta Phi Omega <p><center><img src=" 2009.jpg" width="600" /><br /><cite>Deltas group picture from Gustavian 2009.</cite></center></p> <p>Nicknamed the Deltas, the sorority Delta Phi Omega was founded at Gustavus in 1926, as Nu Delta Tau, and founded nationally in 1998. The colors of the Deltas used to be red, for sacrifice, white, for purity and blue, for loyalty but, when it changed its name the colors changed to maroon and gold. The events that the Deltas are involved in are: The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Benefit, March of Dimes, Special Olympics, Greeks Giving Back, Angel Tree Gifting, Relay for Life, Clothing Drive, Trick-or-Canning, Rake-the-Town, Kids Against Hunger, Adopt-a-Highway, Toys for Tots and visiting local nursing homes. The Deltas have a group prayer which goes as follows “We praise thee, O God for our Tri-Hi-Y girls and counselors, for their desire to be of service in this world we seek to build. May our love for thee awaken in us, an overflow of love for all thy creatures; may our love for spirit of adventure lead us only on the trails once blazed by thee. For this give us thy help. Amen”</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sororities Fri, 28 Jan 2011 04:34:06 +0000 gacgreeklife 13 at Theta Xi Gamma <p>Nicknamed the Thetas, the sorority Theta Xi Gamma was founded at Gustavus in 1920. The colors that are associated with the Thetas are blue and white. Some of the events that the Thetas partake in include: Salvation Army bell ringing and gift wrapping, Operation Christmas Child, Crush Party, Bingo for area food shelf, faculty babysitting, and Fundraiser for Lane Cowger. The mission statement for the Thetas is “As members of Theta Xi Gamma sorority, we strive to develop long-lasting friendships with one another and with others in the Gustavus Adolphus College community.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sororities Fri, 28 Jan 2011 04:32:18 +0000 gacgreeklife 12 at Inactive Sororities <p><center><strong>Alpha Phi Rho</strong><br /><img src=" Phi Rho/Alpha Phi Rho 1985.jpg" width="600" /><br /><cite>Flea group picture from Gustavian 1985.</cite><br /> Founded in 1915<br /> Nicknamed: the “Fleas”<br /> Inactive after 1995<br /> <br /> <strong>Beta Chi</strong><br /><img src=" Chi/Beta Chi 1985.jpg" width="600" /><br /><cite>Beta group picture from Gustavian 1985.</cite><br /> Founded in 1929 as a literary society,<br /> nicknamed: Betas<br /> Inactive in 1950s<br /> Active in 1966<br /> Inactive after 1988<br /> </center></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sororities Fri, 28 Jan 2011 00:45:26 +0000 gacgreeklife 4 at Zeta Chi Phi <p>Nicknamed the Zetas, the sorority Zeta Chi Phi was founded at Gustavus on December 4, 2004 and founded nationally on January 30, 2003. The colors of the sorority are baby blue and black. Some of the events that the Zetas participate or run include: raising money for People Helping People homeless shelter in the cities, Probate, Bowling and crafts. The Zetas mission statement is “Our mission is to further promote cultural awareness and diversity to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating the public and expanding our reach.”</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sororities Fri, 28 Jan 2011 00:41:03 +0000 gacgreeklife 3 at Sigma Sigma Sigma <p><center><img src=" 2009.jpg" width="600" /><br /><cite>Sigmas group picture from Gustavian 2009.</cite></center></p> <p>Nicknamed the Sigmas or Tri Sigmas, the sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma was founded at Gustavus on November 21, 1998 and founded nationally April 20, 1989. The colors that are associated with Sigma Sigma Sigma are royal purple and white. The events that the Tri Sigmas support include: The Robbie Page Memorial Silent Auction, Toys for Tots, Relay for Life—all the money raised was sent to hospitals in Texas and North Carolina. They also volunteer at the Special Olympics, Project Linus, and bring bone marrow registry to Gustavus. The mission statement of the Tri Sigmas is “To establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, to develop in them strong womanly character, and to impress upon them high standards of conduct.”</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sororities Fri, 28 Jan 2011 00:38:00 +0000 gacgreeklife 2 at Tau Mu Tau <p><center><img src=" 2009.jpg" width="600" /><br /><cite>TM group picture from Gustavian 2009.</cite></center></p> <p>Nicknamed the TM’s, the sorority Tau Mu Tau was founded at Gustavus and nationally in 1904 however, the college documentation states 1909. The colors of the TM’s are maroon and grey. The events that the TM’s are a part of are: Relay for Life, Suicide Prevention and Awareness (Yellow Ribbon Project), help with Salvation Army, National Guard, and donating to the St. Peter Food Shelf. They also did Sober Drivers and Patrick’s Homecoming Fundraiser.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Sororities Thu, 27 Jan 2011 19:00:31 +0000 gacgreeklife 1 at