MCS-284: Computer Organization (Fall 2017)


Louis Yu <>

Office: OHS 306

Phone: x7473


Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 8:00am - 9:00am; Sunday 5:00pm - 6:00pm. Visitors are welcome whenever my office door is opened, even outside scheduled office hours. If you would like to meet with me, please email me to schedule an appointment.

Weekly Schedule:

Weekly Schedule

Teaching Assistants

Your teaching assitants for this course are Matthew Lutze <>, Duy Nguyen <>, and Sam Peterson <>; They will have tutoring sessions specifically for MCS-287 every week. The detail is as follows:

Location: Olin 326


One of the biggest challenges students face in this course is dealing with the complexity of the lab assignments. To be clear, you will need to finish four very challenging assignments, thus, the key for surviving in this course is to utilize the help offered outside of the classroom. More on that later in the bonus point section.