EDU 246 - Science for Elementary Educators (l)
Schedule - Fall Semester 2014
Note: Schedule Is Subject To Change

   MITC: Monarchs in the Classroom
AIMS: Popping with Power
CP=Course packet
Date Topics Reading/Assignments
Week 1

Tuesday, September 2



Getting to Know each other

(Cooperative partners

& Groups with Clock Partners)

Overview of EDU 246: Syllabus & Schedules

Introduction to monarchs, rearing, handling and care in groups


Read: MITC Curriculum: Section on Insect Biology (Pages 3-33)

Check monarchs in Mattson Hall (See monarch observation assignment)

the Nature of Science (NOS) (AAAS)

Prepping for ARB on TH: Tree Basics

Earn 3.5 points extra credit by organizing course packet into three ring binder with tabs and
post it notes by September 11

Week 1

Thursday, September 4

Meet in ARB under shelter by the Interpretive Center

Introduction to the ARB

Introduction to the characteristics of trees and tree ID, introduction to basic wild flower ID: Observing leaves, flowers and basic wildflower ID

Catch, observe, release
: Invertebrate sampling
(start research project 1)

 Week 2
Tuesday, September 9

Basics of cell biology and reproduction; cancer


Reading scientific papers

MITC: Monarch Biology


Read Literature: Skloot, Part1

Intro to cell biology: PPTS: Cell Division, Cells the Basics of Life & the Cell Cycle & Cancer

Video on cell division:

Read: How to read a scientific paper (CP) and

Article 1: Bradley, N.L., Leopold, C. A., Ross, J., & Huffzr, W. (1999). "Phenologically changes reflect climate change in Wisconsin."  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 96, p. 9701-9704.

What is phenology?
MN Conservation Volunteer: Phenology Read:

Flinn, D. (2007). Nature’s Calendar. Minnesota Conservation Volunteer in course packet (CP)

Introduction to Phenology Board

Monarch biology read: MITC: Monarch Biology, pages 3-52 and Migration section: p. 100-141

PPT Monarch Biology, Life Cycle, Reproduction and migration


Week 2
Thursday, September 11

Theme: Regional natural history: plants & invertebrates


Nobel 123 (to start)


Finish short research project 1 and report it out

Read: Systematics Curriculum MITC: pages (205 & 206-242)

Tree and wildflower ID in ARB

Dragonflies & moths of MN
Online Insect key:

Letter of Introduction due


 Week 3

Tuesday, September 16

Basics of cell biology and reproduction; cancer

Plant basics and reproduction; pollination



Read: Literature: Skloot, Part 2, take notes on how NOS applies to the book

Plant and animal cell structures

AIMS: Cellular construction

Healing power of trees:

PPT: Flowering Plants; How do plants reproduce, & Why We Should Care About Pollinators (PPT)

Pollination & Reproduction in plants:

Bees of Minnesota and Pollination and Pollinators

Sticky Situation for Pollinators (hand out)

Pollination video:

Week 3
Thursday, September 18

Pollination& Flower reproduction
Tree & plant ID 

Quiz 1: Nobel 123

Pollinators & Flower Reproduction (AIMS lab)

Foraging bees: and

Begin short research project 2

Last part of class: in Arb for tree and wildflower ID (weather permitting)

 Week 4
Tuesday, September 23

Nature of Science & Henrietta

Metamorphosis and insect systematics

Lacks film


Read: Literature: Skloot, Part 3 and NOS

Finish Plant reproduction & Pollination

Metamorphosis and insect systematics (part 2) in MITC Curriculum (3-9, 19-21, 23-27)    

Monarchs Defenses and Predation


Read: Thinking like a scientist in CP

Experimental Design overview, including statistics
Read: Experiments with Monarchs (pages 245-287) in MITC

Young Naturalist: Ready Set Grow

Overview of Experimental Design: MITC Curriculum

 Week 4
Thursday, September 25

Trees and Plants of MN 
Intro to Birds

Present short research project 2 (Foraging bees)

Bird ID: See Hand out on Bird ID Strategy

Prep for Nobel Conference in groups

Young Naturalist: Ready Set Grow

ARB: tree and wildflowers (finish)

 Week 5

Tuesday, October 2

Begin Food unit

Citizen Science

Read: Literature: Nestle: Introduction and Chapters 1-5

Article 2:

Read: Sullivan, B.L.,C.L. Wood, M.J. Iliff, R.E. Bonney. D. Fink, and S. Kelling. 2009. “eBird: A citizen-based bird observation network in the biological sciences”. Biological Conservation 142: 2282-2292.

Citizen science (PPT): See MITC 35-37

Read: Biodiversity: All Creatures Great and Small from the Economist

Biomes of MN: See handouts on MN Biomes

Ecology PPT (Hand out in class)
Toothpick prey (Lesson 13)and Monarch mishaps (Lesson 9)(MITC Curriculum).

Begin Food. Inc

 Week 5
Thursday, October 2

Biological processes

Quiz 2

What makes a good question?

BIRD ID Finish

Present Nobel Conference "Ad"

Food, Inc (if time)

 Week 6
Tuesday, October 7

No class

Attendance at Nobel: two lectures

 Week 6
Thursday, October 9

Article 3: Read: Burghardt, K., Tallamy, D., & Shriver, W.G. (2009). Impact of Native Plants on Bird and Butterfly Biodiversity in Suburban Landscapes.

Short research project 3 (Bird Feeders: Start)

Safety in Science (Course packet & hand outs)

Work time for EXP Design Groups

 Week 7
Tuesday, October 14

Nutrition 101  & Food Labels
Food production (Film: Food. Inc)

Read: Literature: Nestle: Chapters 6-15
Nutrition 101


Article 4:

Read: Oberhauser, K., I. Gebhard, and C. Cameron. 2007. “Parasitism of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus) by Lespesia archippivora (Diptera: Tachinidae)”. Am. Midl. Nat. 157:312-328.
Read: All Creatures Great and Small from Economist

Macro level: Ecology, Energy Flow & Interactions (PPT), Photosynthesis, Carbon cycle & Nitrogen cycle

Micro level: Individual species: Monarchs, bees, dragonflies and birds

Looking at one species: Monarch defenses and predation (PPT)

(Readings: MITC Curr: 19-22, 28-31, & Ecology Curriculum p. 143)

Overview of synthesis paper and
MITC Lessons

Food., Inc. (Part 3 if needed)

 Week 7
Thursday, October 16

Food: Food production


Quiz 3

Process Short Research Project 3: Bird Feeders

Short research project 4: Health & Nutrition: Start

Work time for Exp design groups

Gardening clean up around Mattson Hall with (5:30-6:15 pm): Dress for the Weather

 Week 8
Thursday, October 23

Trip to St Peter Coop and CAF


Due: Science notebook; start peer review of science notebook

Trip to ST Peter Coop (3:30-4:20)

Visit Compost pile (on own)

CAF with Kevin Birr 4:30-5:15

5:30 to 6:00pm Internet Basic statistics

 Week 9
Tuesday, October 28

Nutrition & Food (Finish)

Bringing cell biology, regional natural history together with ecology with evolution


Due:Peer Review of Science Notebook
Process short research project 4: Health & Nutrition

Literature: Nestle: Chapters 16-25



Prep for teaching MITC

 Thursday, October 30


Quiz 4

Teaching MITC to peers

 Tuesday, November 4


Science Museum Field Trip


Literature: Nestle: finish book, final discussion in the car on the way to Science Museum

Science Museum: Leave at 2:30


 Thursday, November 6

Bringing cell biology, regional natural history together with ecology with evolution

Exam 1 (3:30-5:00pm)

Evolution part 2 (5-6 pm)

 Tuesday, November 11

Physical Science 1

Physical science1

 Thursday, November 13

Physical Science Lab 1

Library session: 3:30-4:30 pm

Dinner break from 4:30 to 5:15.

Physical science from 5:15 to 8:15 with Mr. Koser

 Tuesday,  November 18

Physical Science 2

Physical science 2

Thursday, November 20

Physical Science 3

Experiments Due: Science Conference from 3:30-4:30
Physical Science with AIMS and FOSS & Prep for lessons 4:45-6:00

 Tuesday,  November 25

No Class

No Class

 Tuesday, December 2

Physical Science 4

Physical Science 4

 Thursday, December 4

Physical Science Lab 3 

Second Science Notebook Check

Teaching FOSS with peers

Teaching: Physics of Sound (FOSS): Investigation 1, 2, and 3

 Tuesday, December 9 Physical Science 5 Literature Synthesis paper due
Physics Science 5
Thursday, December 11 Teaching AIMS (Popping with Power) with peers

 Tuesday, December 16

FINAL: Exam (1-3pm)

Nobel Hall of Science Room 123



 Updated: October 13, 2014