Teaching as Principled Practice
EDU 371 : Elementary Science Methods and Materials: Fall 2017
Course URL: http://homepages.gac.edu/~mkoomen/edu371/fallsyllabus371.html

This syllabus is electronically interactive. As such it will be updated over the course of the semester (look for current updates at the top of the page). Think about this syllabus as a contract; you are responsible for the information in it, even if I never bring it up in class. Reread it regularly over the course of the semester.


Michele Koomen, Ph.D

Education Department, Anderson Hall 225


Office: 507.933.6057; Mobile:612.669.2319



Web Site: 


Office Hours: 

Tuesday 12:30-1:20 pm; other times by appointment.

I encourage you to come and talk with me at any time during the above hours about the course content and your learning, for assistance preparing assignments or making sense out of any readings.  

Required texts/materials

  • Course Packet for EDU 371: Science Methods
  • The Little Book of Stress Management: What You Need to Know and Do by Gretchen Koehler.
  • Attendance at MNCOSE Thursday, November 9 (5:30-9pm) and Friday, November 10 (all day)
  • One inch binder for science methods courses only
  • Binder Dividers (1 packets)
  • Packet of sticky notes
  • Funds in your GAC print account to make copies of documents on Moodle
  • Access to the course Moodle site


Access to Education:
Every student has a right to learn and to participate in this class. I recognize that we all learn differently. If you have learning challenges, please see me about how we can work together to support your learning needs. Bring any documentation and suggestions about how I may assist you. We will work together to make this a great learning experience for you.

Disability Services
Gustavus Adolphus College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in its programs. If you have a documented disability (or you think you may have a disability of any nature) and, as a result, need reasonable academic accommodation to participate in class, take tests or benefit from the College’s services, then you should speak with the Disability Services staff, for a confidential discussion of your needs and appropriate plans. Course requirements cannot be waived, but reasonable accommodations may be provided based on disability documentation and course outcomes. Accommodations cannot be made retroactively; therefore, to maximize your academic success at Gustavus, please contact Disability Services as early as possible. Disability Services (https://gustavus.edu/advising/disability/) is located in the Academic Support Center. Disability Services Coordinator, Kelly Karstad, (kkarstad@gustavus.edu or x7138), can provide further information.

Help for Multilingual Students
Support for English learners and multilingual students is available through the Academic Support Center’s Multilingual Learner Tutor (https://gustavus.edu/advising/). The MLL tutor can meet individually with students for tutoring in writing, consulting about academic tasks, and helping students connect with the College’s support systems. When requested, the MLL tutor can consult with faculty regarding effective classroom strategies for English learners and multilingual students. If requested, the MLL tutor can provide students with a letter to a professor that explains and supports appropriate academic arrangements (e.g., additional time on tests, additional revisions for papers). Professors make decisions based on those recommendations at their own discretion. In addition, English learners and multilingual students can seek help from peer tutors in the Writing Center (https://gustavus.edu/writing center/).

Questions about these policies can be directed to Dean Julie Bartley (jbartley@gustavus.edu or x7541) or Dean Micah Maatman (mmaatman@gustavus.edu or x7541).

Faculty Title IX Responsibilities
Title IX is
federal legislation that makes clear that violence and harassment based on sex or gender are civil rights violations. Gustavus Adolphus College takes incidents of sexual misconduct seriously. Sexual misconduct includes the following: Non-Consensual Sexual Contact, Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Exploitation (taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another), Intimate Partner Violence—physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse, Stalking. Please see the student sexual Misconduct Policy in the Gustavus Guide for more details and definitions or online at: https://gustavus.edu/dean of students/policies/gustative/sexual-assault.php

Not all college employees are mandatory reporters. However, all faculty are legally mandatory reporters and must make a formal report to the Dean of Students Office within twenty-four hours. If you have any questions, contact the Title IX Coordinator (Julie Kline, Director of Human Resources, at 507-933-6075) or one of the deputy coordinators (https://gustavus.edu/titleix/titleix.php).


Honesty Policy

This course will abide by the Gustavus Adolphus Honor Code. Ethical behavior is a must for teachers. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please review this web site for an overview of plagiarism. At its November 2006 Faculty Meeting, the faculty approved changes to Handbook Section 2.2.9: “Through information provided in syllabi and/or other means, faculty members will explain to students how the Honor Code will operate in their respective courses.” The following statement is required on the study of teaching assignment:

“On my honor, I pledge that I have not given, received, or tolerated others’ use of unauthorized aid in completing this work.”

Full descriptions of the Academic Honesty Policy and the Honor Code can be found in the Academic Catalog (online at https://gustavus.edu/general_catalog/current/acainfo). For more information about the Honor Code, contact Dean Julie Bartley (jbartley@gustavus.edu or x7541).

Department of Education Conceptual Framework


All components of the Conceptual Framework are embedded within the Capstone project that students complete for EDU 371/373. Students use their knowledge of best practice teaching strategies to plan lessons for their practicum classroom. They teach these lessons to grade 1-6 students while in practice (experience). They video tape their teaching episodes.  They analysis their teaching in the episodes using qualitative research and phenomenological  methods where they uncover practices in their teaching that were not explicit while they are teaching. This study “awakens teachers to see beyond their habituated perceptions, and in so doing become more mindful of individual children, classroom dynamics and their teaching practices.” (Kesson, K., Traugh, C. & Perez, F. 2006) and to see what is happening “cognitive emotional and social levels” as you work toward improving practice (reconceptualization).This work of a principled practitioner takes place in a context where candidates are thinking about their learning as it relates to their work with students (metacognition), as well as fostering their students’ higher level thinking; exploring cultural connections and influences on their learners (culture) and considering the ways in which we communicate about the knowledge that is being learned (discourse).  


The co-constructed (teacher candidates and instructor) goals
for the science methods are:





Course Requirements

Gustavus Education Department Attendance Policy


1) Cumulative absences (excused or not excused) equaling 15% or more of scheduled class meetings will result in a lowering of the grade by one letter grade. Cumulative absences (excused or not excused) equaling 25% or more of scheduled class meetings will result in a D grade. This will require a retake to remain in the education program. Excused absences are those that come with written documentation. Illness excuses must be communicated to the instructor at least one half hour prior to the start of the class period. Extenuating circumstances may be considered by the instructor.

2) Five or more late entrances into class (for one hour classes) and two or more late entrances (for longer classes) will result in a decrease of the final grade by one letter grade.

3) Absences from any practicum requirement for this course without prior contact (at least a half hour prior to the start of the placement experience) with the instructor and the placement teacher will result in a decrease in the final grade by one letter grade. All visits will be verified with the practicum teacher or site coordinator. In addition, more than one excused absence must be made up by the student on the student’s own time, with a signed statement form the placement teacher/site manager attesting to the additional visit(s), returned to the course instructor before the end of the semester.

Passed May, 2014

Gustavus Education Department Policy Regarding Syllabi

A syllabus for a course is a contract with expectations for students enrolled in the class.  Changes of due dates or expectations may only be negotiated between the entire class and the instructor. As an individual intending to work in schools as an educator, it is important to recognize the contractual nature of a syllabus. Due dates are final, and work is expected to be completed on time. All course expectations, as defined in the syllabus, are to be met by the student, with work to be documented and/or evaluated by the instructor and results reflected in student grades. Failure to meet the deadlines specified in the syllabus (except in emergency situations or extreme situations which have been discussed with the instructor early in the semester) identifies the individual as someone who is not able to meet the professional responsibilities of the teaching profession. Therefore, any such breach of contract may be cause for dismissal from the education department.  Passed August, 2015

Assigned Readings
Assigned readings are a vital aspect of the course. Your readings in the course textbooks, course packet, research articles and handouts have been carefully selected to provide you with the depth and breadth that you will need as you teach mathematics in the elementary school. To facilitate your reading, each week, a reading assignment, based on guided reading principles, will be posted to the course Moodle site or sent via email to the class list. It is expected that you will carefully read all assigned readings required for the class session. It is also expected that you will review these readings after class and as you prepare assignments and projects for this class. Some will provide background information for what we do in class, others will elaborate afterwards, and a few provide insights about things we do not have time to adequately explore in class. The readings for this course are the frame for the knowledge portion of the Department of Education's Conceptual Framework and represent the theory behind "best" practices. Assigned readings will be important for your participation in our classroom conversations.

I will be using electronic mail to send you assignments, feedback, and other important documents, thus my expectation is that you check your Gustavus e-mail daily. Knowledge and application of sending, receiving, and attaching documents to e-mail is assumed for all students in this course. In addition, I generally respond to email within 24 hours and I usually read and respond to email from 6-7am and 7-8PM.

Evaluation and Assignments

The emphasis in this course is on learning, understanding, and application of pedagogical knowledge in relation to the teaching and learning of science at the elementary school level. Expectations are high for all students in terms of the quality, integrity and consistency in completion of all assignments. It is also assumed that learning in this course occurs from a continuing process of discourse (whether it be written or verbal). Expectations are equally high for all students in terms of active, purposeful, and thoughtful participation in both whole and small group context with continued efforts to support the cooperative learning of all.

Note about electronic grading:
The majority of your assignments will be turned in electronically through e-mail.
It is your responsibility to keep complete copies of all electronic assignments until your final grade is posted at the end of the semester.

Professionalism (Dispositions):
What might this look like?

  • You are punctual and ready for class each and every day: supplies and books ready to go and out; food and snacks are put away; cell phone is turned on silent and stowed away; hats removed.

  • You exhibit a high level of professionalism and integrity in your thoughtful preparation and attendance for all classes. This includes consistent evidence that you have thoughtfully completed assigned readings for each session.

  • Gracious and thoughtful participation in class discussions on a regular or consistent basis. This means that you are not only participatory, but, you listen to others as well. Your "air time" is proportional to the other students in this class.

  • You appear interested and engaged in the science methods course content. This means that you are not doing assignments for this class nor other classes, attending to e-mail or text messaging during class, and are "present" in the class session. Class conversations center on the content of the math course.

  • It is clear that you regularly read and respond to email from the instructor.
  • Demonstration of personal and professional behaviors and affect as designated on the Department of Education's Statement of Professionalism.


Developing as a principled, inclusive, cooperative, and mind full practitioner of science: Expectations are high that completion of each and every one of the pieces below will be completed with high integrity (Pass/Fail: 65 points).

  • Science and Math autobiography to Michele: 5 points. (Due: via e-mail by Tuesday, September 25)
  • Sci/Math Notebook (10 Points): First check, Oct. 3; Second check: December 11.

    • Processing of course readings (Course packet and research articles).

    • In class activities and reflections
    • Conferences & Seminars
  • Inquiry investigations (15 points)
    • Informational inquiry
    • Investigative Inquiry with engineering
    • Modeling inquiry and disciplinary literacy with Oobleck
  • Phenology: 5 points
  • Completion of BOT SEP #4: 5 points
  • Practicum Science Lesson Plans due 2 full school days before you teach it in your classroom). (25 points for all science lessons)

Developing a purposeful, systematic inquiry into your teaching practice through the Study of Teaching: due on Friday, December 15 (20 points)
Each one of us is building an understanding of teaching as a journey of learning and process. The purpose of this assignment is develop “mindful educational practice to gain depth and purpose” toward our teaching. This assignment will use phenomenological inquiry, a research method and study that are designed to “awaken teachers to see beyond their habituated perceptions, and in so doing become more mindful of individual children, classroom dynamics and their teaching practices.” (Kesson, K., Traugh, C. & Perez, F. 2006).  The intent of your study of your teaching is to become more mindful of what is happening in the classroom on “cognitive emotional and social levels” as you work toward improving your own practice.

Evaluation and Grading:
The emphasis of this course is on the learning of pedagogy and practices for the teaching of mathematics in the elementary classroom. Learning is demonstrated by various means including your affect and disposition in class, your participation in the cooperative and collaborative learning with others, and assignments completed with integrity.

Turning in late assignments: Students who have taken this course before do well by working ahead. Late assignments are assignments that are turned in after the due date established in class or on the assignment description. For each day an assignment is late, you will earn less points, up to a full letter grade on that assignment if it is more than two days late.

Total points for class: 100 points.
A = 94 -100 total points
A- = 90-93.99 points
B+ = 87.5-89.99 points
B = 84-87.49 points
B- = 80-83.90 points
C = work less than 79.9 total points


Wisdom from Former Students from the Science and Math Methods Course

Ali Hoffman:

  • Be prepared for being in class many hours a week and adding more hours working on lesson plans with you practicum. Love your partner with all of your heart.
  • Have fun!
  • Stay on top of your work! You know that you will have a lot of work to do but if you stay on top of them, you will be just fine :)
  • Get to know your classmates, because they will be there everyday all day for you for the entire semester
  • Be interactive with your practicum students! They love to hang out with you and they will want to hang out with you! (Spring 2016)

Sara Scholin:Stay on top of your work- especially your science notebook. You will be much less stressed if you know what is due when. Organize your life. Make sure you are always looking ahead at dates of when stuff is due and know where to find all of your materials. Don't overcommit yourself. Methods is a busy semester and you need to focus on your schoolwork. If you have too many other things going on, you will overextend yourself. Take the semester to really focus on your school work as this is the major foundation laid for your career as a teacher. I know I learned so much this semester, probably more than I have in all of my other semesters combined. Remember professors are humans too. If you need help/have a concern, go talk with them. They are there to help. Actually read the material. Yes, there is a lot sometimes, but you will be much better prepared for class when you have read it. Ask questions. If you don't understand something, ask.

Melissa Dahl and Rachel Malo: Prepare for your lessons well in advance. Do not be afraid to communicate with your cooperating teacher and ask a lot of questions. Face your math phobia. Stay caught up with your science notebook and readings. HAVE SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!! Spend as much time with your practicum students as possible. Eat lunch with them, go outside for recess, and attend specials with them. You will learn so much about them and will build such a great relationship with them, which will then carry into the classroom. Spring 2016


Board of Teaching Standards of Effective Practice

Link here to find out how specifically the Minnesota Board of Teaching (BOT) Standards of Effective Practice are embedded in EDU 371: Science Methods and Materials. For a list of all BOTs and Indicators, click here.

Teacher candidate Portfolio and Key Assessments: Teacher candidates will provide evidence for the following BOT Standard and indicators (two) through coursework and the application of that course work into their practicum classrooms.

BOT Standard 7, Planning Instruction

A teacher must be able to plan and manage instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. The teacher must:

E. design lessons and activities that operate at multiple levels to meet the developmental and individual needs of students and to help all progress;

F. implement learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals, relevant to learners, and based on principles of effective instruction including activating student prior knowledge, anticipating preconceptions, encouraging exploration and problem solving, and building new skills on those previously acquired;

Link here to find Evidence of Learning And Assessment Opportunities for Teachers of Elementary Education with a Speciality (PEPER II: Form I-D) in EDU 371: Elementary Science Methods and Materials.                                                 

Minnesota Academic Standards in Science (MAS)


Click here for MN Academic Standards in Science (2009) Word file