MCS-170 The Nature of Computer Science

Fall 2006

Lecture 15

1. Review - CPU DataPath Cycle

2. Stored-Program Computer

Add RA to RB and
store result in RC
(RC = RA + RB)
1010000100 RC RA RB
1010000100 00 01 10
R0 = R1 + R2
Subtract RB from RA and
store result in RC
(RC = RA - RB)
1010001000 RC RA RB
1010001000 00 01 10
R0 = R1 - R2
Load contents of
memory location
MMMMM into register RB
100000010 RB MMMMM
100000010 11 00101
R3 = M[5]
Store contents of
register RB into memory
location MMMMM
100000100 RB MMMMM
100000100 11 00101
M[5] = R3
Move contents of register RB
into register RA
(RA = RB)
100100010000 RA RB
100100010000 01 00
R1 = R0
Halt the machine

Memory Address    Machine Instruction     Action

0: 1000000100000101 // R0 = M[5]; load memory location 5 into R0

1: 1000000100100110 // R1 = M[6]; load memory location 6 into R1

2: 1010000100100001 // R2 = R0 + R1; add R0 and R1, store result in R2

1000001001000111 // M[7] = R2; copy R2 to memory location 7

1111111111111111 // HALT

0000000000001001 // 9; data to be added

0000000000000001 // 1; data to be added

0000000000000000 // location where sum is to be stored
initialize PC = 0;
fetch instruction stored at memory location PC;
set PC = PC + 1;
while (instuction is not HALT) {
decode the instruction;
configure the CPU hardware to match the settings indicated in the instruction;
execute the CPU datapath cycle using those settings;
when the cycle is complete, fetch next instruction from memory location PC;
set PC = PC + 1;