Syllabus and general information for
MCS-178: Introduction to Computer Science II (Fall 2007)


In MCS-178 we continue exploring the perspectives and methods of computer science, particularly abstraction. We'll first consider the notion of computations with changing state by looking "under the hood" at computers. We'll extend this notion of state into other areas, such as the use of state to construct more efficient computational processes than otherwise, and the use of object-based and object-oriented programming to model systems of objects with changing state. Along the way, we'll also confront language issues, by investigating how one might write and modify a Scheme system in Scheme (a so-called meta-circular evaluator) and by introducing a second programming language, Java. At the end of the semester we'll take a brief look at using Java in writing event-driven and concurrent programs (those that behave in response to user actions and those that do more than one thing at a time).

Reaching me

All office, phone and schedule information will be maintained in my web page If my office door is open you are welcome; if I'm busy, we'll set up an appointment. Email and phone calls work, too.


MCS-177: Introduction to Computer Science I.

Text and readings

The primary text for the course will be Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science by Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight. We will cover chapters 10-15.

There's also an on-line Java Tutorial at, and copies of several Java books in the MCS Lab monitors' room, any of which you are welcome to use as a supplement to the material on Java in our book.

All course handouts, as well as some supplementary materials, will be available through the class web page

Course structure

Classes will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; except in the last week of the semester, labs will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays. Note that all Monday/Wednesday/Friday sessions will be during 1:30-2:20pm, even when (at the end of the semester) they are in the lab. Labs will be held in the OHS 326 lab, using the Linux computers.


The two intra-term exams will be conducted during the evening from 7:30-9:00pm on October 4 and 26, both in OHS 321. Please let me know as soon as possible if you won't be able to take the tests at those times. The final exam will be as scheduled by the registrar; a tentative date and time is shown in the syllabus.

Mastery homework

The syllabus shows due dates for six homework assignments; each will typically consist of four or five problems. You must turn in all the problems in an assignment by that assignment's due date, but may turn in individual problems earlier if you wish. I will mark each problem as "mastered" or "not yet mastered," and return them to you as rapidly as I can. For those not yet mastered, I may write some brief indication of what area needs work, but you should really take these as an invitation to come talk. You may turn in a revised version of each problem however many times it takes to reach the "mastered" point, even after the original due date. The only restrictions are these:

Note that if you turn in each homework problem as soon as you can do it, rather than saving them for the assignment due dates, you will have more opportunity for revision and resubmission before the cutoff dates listed above. Particularly for the last homeworks before each cutoff date (and test), I can't guarantee you'll have time for a revision cycle otherwise.

I may also announce an earlier cutoff date for any individual problem I consider important for us to discuss in class.

The homework portion of your course grade will simply be determined by the fraction of the homework problems you eventually mastered.

Attendance policy

Attendance is mandatory for all lab sessions, unless you have already turned in your project report. I will excuse up to two absences per student, for any reason. Use yours wisely. If you exceed this allowance, I may reduce your course grade by up to one letter grade.

Regarding class days, the policy is that you will be responsible for all material, whether or not you are in attendance when it is covered or distributed.


I expect you to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty and to uphold the Gustavus Honor Code. You are required to write the honor pledge in full and sign it on every exam and lab report. For co-authored lab reports, each author should write and sign the pledge.

Late lab assignments

All lab assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day indicated. Late assignments will be penalized by one "grade notch" (such as A to A- or A- to B+) for each weekday late or fraction thereof. However, no late assignments will be accepted after I've handed graded assignments back or discussed the assignment's solutions in class.

If you are too sick to complete an assignment on time, you will not be penalized. Simply write "late due to illness" at the top of the assignment, sign your name and hand it in. Other circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Grade changes

Please point out any arithmetic or clerical error I make in grading, and I will gladly fix it. You may also request reconsideration if I have been especially unjust.


I will provide you with a grade on each lab assignment and on each test, in addition to the mid-term and final grades, so that you may keep track of your performance. As a guideline, the components will contribute in the following proportion to the final grade: Please see me if you have any question how you stand.

Style guidelines

All homework and project reports should be readily readable, and should not presuppose that we already know what you are trying to say. Use full English sentences where appropriate (namely almost everywhere) and clear graphs, tables, programs, etc. Remember that your goal is to communicate clearly, and that the appearance of these technical items plays a role in this communication process. Be sure your assignments are always stapled together and that your name is always on them.

Each project assignment will include specific expectations for that project's report, including the audience for which it should be written. You should pay careful attention to this information.


Please contact me immediately if you have a learning or physical disability requiring accommodation.