Link to Spring 2004 Seminar Program

Fall 2003 Seminar Program*

September 5

no seminar
September 12

Brian O'Brien
Lawrence Potts
Scott Bur

1. Introduction and Philosophy of Seminar Attendance
2. Research Opportunities in Analytical Chemistry
3. Research Opportunities in Organic Chemistry
September 19

William H. Butler
research link

Applications of Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science to Advanced Data Storage Technologies

Joint Chemistry/Physics Seminar
Center for Materials for Information Technology (MINT), The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
September 26
Gregory J. Szulczewski
research link
Gold Surfaces, Plasmons, and Mercury
Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
October 3
Kyle W. Felling
research link

New Dimensions in Direct Fluorination

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
October 24

Thomas M. Annesley
(Gustavus graduate, 1975)

Principles and Clinical Applications
of Mass Spectrometry

Joint Chemistry/Biology Seminar
University of Michigan Medical School
October 31
Matthew Hennek
Brian O'Brien

research link
Forays into Phosphorus and Fluorine Chemistry
November 7
Jeffrey Jeremiason
research link
Sulfate Addition Stimulates Methylmercury Production in an Experimental Wetland
November 14
Claudia Schmidt-Dannert
research link
Turning Microbial Cells into Chemical Factories abstract for the presentation
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics, University of Minnesota
November 21
Steven W. Meinhardt
research link

Structure and Function Studies of the Necrosis Toxin, Ptr ToxA, of the Wheat Pathogen
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis

North Dakota State University
December 5
cancelled due to weather


* All seminars begin at 3:00 PM on Fridays in Nobel 201 with refreshments beginning at 2:30 PM in the Nobel Hall lobby

Additional Seminars and Talks

Location & Time
7 & 8
Sigma Xi Lecture
Phi Beta Kappa Lecture



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Last modified: July 2003 by Brian A. O'Brien