FTS-100 349 Project 1: My Favorite Albums (Fall 2016)

Start: Monday, 9/12. Essay due: Friday, 9/23, in hard copy, by the start of class. Presentations on 9/16, 9/19 and 9/21.

Bare Bones Description

In this project, you will write a mini essay on your favorite music albums. You may choose two albums and your essay must consist of more than three paragraphs.

You will also prepare a small presentation on the subject, Your presentation will be under five minutes. You may use visual or audio aids in your presentation.

You are to do this project individually.

What This Project Accomplishes

Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally. In essence, critical thinking requires you to use your ability to reason. This project is designed to help you with the skill of reasoning.

Project Details

We use your favorite albums as a subject for critical thinking. Can you reason with me why you like these albums? Remember, critical thinkers rigorously question ideas and assumptions. Thus arguments such as "the songs are catchy" are not effective unless they are furthered explained. For example, why is being catchy an important quality to have in songs? If a song is catchy, does that automatically make it a good song? What other factors does a song need to have in order for you to like it?

Once you had constructed your arguments, one way to reinforce them is to make them up with research and information. Since you are reviewing your favorite albums, I assume that you have listened to these albums many times. Then, you should read some articles on these albums. This is not only for fact gathering purposes, but also to understand how meaning is created and reinforced throughout the media, and whether or not any of it aligns with your personal beliefs.

You will review two of your favorite albums. For each album, list three fully realized arguments. You will receive a deduction if any of your arguments is not fully realized. You should also back up your arguments with research, quotes or citations, although they are not a requirement for this particular project.

To cite a resource, please read pages 41 - 44 in your text book (EasyWriter). You may choose to use any of the citation styles for this particular project.

For your presentation, you must clearly convey each of your arguments. You may use audio or visual aids (such as slides, video clips or sound clips) to support your arguments and to make your presentation more interactive.


Points total: 10
  1. Essay
  2. Presentation

Due Dates

Your mini essay is due on Friday, 9/23/2016 by the start of the class. For this project, you must hand in a hard copy of your mini essay. You should also have your presentation ready to go by Friday, 9/16/2016. We will discuss the order of presentations in class.