## This file has bugs in it. Your assignment for the first lab for MCS 178 is the following: # 1. Install PyCharm on your computer. # 2. Help others in your group get PyCharm installed if they need assistance. # 3. Find and fix the bugs in the lab. # 4. Make sure there is sufficient and correct documentation in this code. # 5. Run the code to enter the people in your group and then print out the results. # Import the other file we gave you for the lab import group.py def getNextPerson(): nextPerson = input("Enter the next person.\nPress return without any other characters to end.\n") if (nextPerson != ""): return nextPerson if __name__ == "__main__": groupName = input("Enter the group name") myGroup = group(groupName) nextPerson = getNextPerson() while(not "" = nextPerson): mygroup.addPerson(nextPerson) nextPerson = getNextPerson() print myGroup