Project 2: LinkLists

Start: Tuesday, 9/10; Due: Monday 9/16, by the beginning of class


This assignment will give you some practice on implementing single and double linklists.

You should work on this project individually.

Task: Operations of a Double Linklist

For this project, you will complete the lab section of Chapter 2 in your textbook (Secton 2.18: Sorted Number List Implementation). You will complete the insert and remove functions in Please feel free to implement any helper functions to assist you. If your insert or remove function is too long, and you can isolate any part of a function based on task, you should be using helper functions.

Please read and follow the instruction for the lab (in Section 2.18) carefully. Once you had implemented the insert and remove functions in You should be able to run and submit your code via the textbook webpage. You do not need to submit to Moodle for this task.

What you must do/hand in

For this project, you wiil complete the code in Section 2.18 of your textbook. Please read the instructions in Section 2.18 carefully and submit your code according to the instruction.

Grading Guide

We will be using this grading guide when grading your lab.


Submit this project via Section 2.18 of your textbook (be sure to read the follow the submission instruction).