This lab assignment calls on you to write a number of different
function definitions. Collect and submit (via Moodle) your answers for all questions in a single file called hw1.sml
. You are allowed to use the standard functions abs and length. You should use pattern matching and let constructs whenever you can. You are allowed to define “helper” functions (as long as it's using let constructs) to solve these problems and you can include any testing code you develop (although it should be labeled as such). You are expected to use good programming style and to comment each of your functions.
Below is a list of function signatures for the problems in this set:
val sumTo = fn : int -> real
val absList = fn : (int * int) list -> (int * int) list
val split = fn :
int list -> (int * int) list
val range = fn :
int * int -> int list
val hailstone =
fn : int -> int list
val isSorted = fn : int list -> bool
val collapse =
fn : int list -> int
val insert = fn
: int * int list -> int list
val isort = fn : int list -> int list
val factors = fn
: int -> int list
Several of these problems mention a precondition for a function. Such preconditions should always be commented. When a precondition is violated in ML, the right thing to do (just as it is in Java) is to throw an exception (it’s called raising an exception in ML). If you want to work on developing good habits by including code to raise an exception when a precondition fails, that would be great.
For example, sumTo(2) should return 1.5.
The function should return 0.0 if n is 0. You may assume that the function is not
passed a negative value of n.
points) Define a function called absList that takes a
list of int * int tuples and that returns a new list of int
* int tuples where every
integer is replaced by its absolute value.
For example, absList([(~38, 47), (983, ~14), (~17, ~92), (0, 34)]) should return
[(38, 47), (983, 14), (17, 92), (0, 34)].
This is easier to solve if you write a helper function to process one tuple.
points) Define a function called split that takes a list of integers as an
argument and that returns a list of the tuples
obtained by splitting each integer in the list.
Each integer should be split into a pair of integers whose sum equals
the integer and which are each half of the original. For odd numbers, the second value should be
one higher than the first. For example, split([5, 6, 8, 17, 93, 0]) should return [(2, 3), (3, 3),
(4, 4), (8, 9), (46, 47), (0, 0)]. You
may assume that all of the integers in the list passed to the function are
greater than or equal to 0.
(10 points) Define a function called range
that takes two integers x and y as arguments and that returns a list composed
of the sequence of consecutive integers starting with x and ending with y. For example, range(18,
23) should return [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] and range(~7, ~7) should return
[~7]. If there are no integers in the
range, as in the call range(5, 1), the function should
return an empty list.
(10 points) Define a function called hailstone
that takes an integer n as an argument and that returns the hailstone sequence
starting with n and ending with 1. In
the hailstone sequence, each integer n is followed by:
if n is even
3n +
1 if n is odd
The sequences are called hailstone sequences because they
rise and fall somewhat unpredictably. It
is conjectured that all such sequences for positive integers eventually reach
the value 1, at which point they start to repeat the sequence 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2,
1, 4, 2, and so on. Your function should
return the list of integers obtained by computing the sequence until it reaches
1. For example, hailstone(7)
should return [7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2,
1]. The call hailstone(1)
should return [1]. You may assume that
the value passed to the function is greater than 0.
(10 points) Define a function isSorted that takes a list of integers and that returns
whether or not the list is in sorted (nondecreasing)
order (true if it is, false if it is not).
By definition, the empty list and a list of one element are considered
to be sorted.
points) Define a function called collapse that takes a list of integers as an
argument and that returns the list obtained by collapsing successive pairs in
the original list by replacing each pair with its sum. For example, collapse([1,
3, 5, 19, 7, 4]) should return [4, 24, 11] because the first pair (1 and 3) is
collapsed into its sum (4), the second pair (5 and 19) is collapsed into its
sum (24) and the third pair (7 and 4) is collapsed into its sum (11). If the list has an odd length, the final
number in the list is not collapsed. For
example, collapse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) should return [3,
7, 5].
points) Define a function called insert that take an int
and a sorted (nondecreasing) int
list as parameters and that returns the list obtained by inserting the int into the list so as to preserve sorted order. For example, insert(8,
[1, 3, 7, 9, 22, 38]) should return [1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 22, 38].
points) Define a function isort that takes an int list as a parameter and that returns the list obtained
by sorting the list into nondecreasing order. In writing isort,
you should call your insert function from the previous problem. The result will be an ML solution to the classic
insertion sort algorithm.
10. (10 points) Define a function called factors that takes an integer as an argument and that returns an ordered list of the factors of that integer. Recall that a factor is a number that goes evenly into another. For example, the call factors(12) should return[1,2,3,4,6,12]. Your list has to include the factors in increasing order without duplicates. You may assume that that the value passed to the function is greater than 0. You might need to write a helper function to solve this task (the helper function might take more than one argument).
The simplest way to submit your code (saved into one file as hw1.sml
) via Moodle.