CUR-260 The Natural World
Fall 2014



Topics and Readings Due

Week 1: The Nature of Science
What is science? Observations in the natural world

Tuesday, September 2


Overview of course (Syllabus/calendar)


Cooperative partners & clock buddies

Introduction to monarchs, rearing, handling and care

Thursday, September 4

How do we come to know science?
Read: The Nature of Science (AAAS)

Monarch observations (qualitative & quantitative observations)
Prairie wildflowers: whorled MW, common MW, cup plant, Liatris,


Week 2: The Nature of Science, Cell Biology, Phenology & Regional Ecology & Natural History

Tuesday,   September 9


Read: Skloot: Part 1 & NOS; How to read a scientific paper

Basic of cell biology and cell division: cell division and cancer

AIMS: Cellular construction 

Thursday, September 11

Meet in ARB: Gather by the Interpretive Shelter

Topic: What is phenology?

1. Bradley, N.L., Leopold, A.C. Ross, J., Huffaker, W. Aug.. 17, 1999.  Phenological Changes Reflect Climate Change in Wisconsin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vow. 96, No. 17 (Aug.. 17, 1999), pp. 9701-9704

2. Lesica, P., & Kittelson, P. M. (2010). Precipitation and temperature are associated with advanced flowering phenology in a semi-arid grassland. Journal of Arid Environments74(9), 1013-1017.

3. Nature's Calendar (course packet)t

Start Short Research Project 1

Catch, observe, release: Invertebrate sampling

Week 3: Intersection of science, justice, poverty and science advancement/research;
The Nature of Science, Cell Biology, Phenology & Regional Ecology & Natural History

Tuesday, September 16

Readings due: Skloot: Part 2 (take notes on how NOS applies to the book)


Healing power of trees:

PPT: Trees & Basic flowering plants

Begin tree & leaf ID

Introductory Letter due

Thursday, September 18

Report out: Short research project 1

Insect systematics: Sort insects by order

Introduction to Regional Birds:

Begin Short Research Project 2: Birds and Feeder Study

Week 4: Intersection of science, justice, poverty and science advancement/research;

The Nature of Science, Cell Biology, Phenology & Regional Ecology & Natural History

Tuesday, September 23

Readings Due: Skloot: Part 3 : begin NOS and integration into Lacks (group)

Monarch biology & migration

Thursday, September 25

Quiz 1: Cell Basics, division & cancer

Read: Burghardt, K., Tallamy, D., &  Shriver, W.G. (2009). Impact of Native Plants on Bird and Butterfly Biodiversity in Suburban Landscapes. Conservation Biology, 23 (1).

Feeder Results: e Bird (Citizen Science)

Overview of Exp Design

Flower ID: Black eyed Susan,compass plant, goldenrod (stiff & Canadian); Purple Coneflower; Class phenology picks


Week 5: Intersection of science, justice, poverty and science advancement/research;

The Nature of Science, Cell Biology, Phenology & Regional Ecology & Natural History

Tuesday, September 30

Finish and present NOS and Lacks
Pollinators and Flower Reproduction

Foraging bees: and

Thursday, October 2

Meet in the ARB
Carbon/Ecological Footprint
Mn Biomes (Part 1)
Start research project 3:
Foraging bees
Tree ID: Maples, Oaks, tamaracks, pines
Flower ID practice

Week 6: Nobel: Regional ecology & Natural History

Tuesday, October 7

Nobel Conference: No class
Attend two lectures of Nobel

Thursday, October 9

Quiz 2
Report out: Short Research Project 3

Debrief Nobel


Week 7: Intersection of Agriculture, Science, Economics and Policy with Food and Nutrition; Regional Ecology & Natural History

Tuesday, October 14

Readings due: Nestle: Introduction, Chapters 1-5
Pollan: Section on Corn

Monarch ecology (predation & defenses)

Oberhauser, K., I. Gebhard, and C. Cameron. 2007. “Parasitism of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus) by Lespesia archippivora (Diptera: Tachinidae)”. Am. Midl. Nat. 157:312-328.

Basics of ecology: (carbon & nitrogen cycles)


Thursday, October 16

Start Short Research Project 4

Read: Thinking Like A Scientist (Course packet: Exp Design Project)

Phenology with Pam Kittelson


Week 8: Intersection of Agriculture, Science, Economics and Policy with Food and Nutrition; Regional ecology & Natural History

Tuesday, October 21

Reading Day



Thursday, October 23

Quiz 3

Field trip to CAF: 2:00pm

St Peter Coop: 2:45
Compost pile: On your own

Science notebooks due


Week 9: Intersection of Agriculture, Science, Economics and Policy with Food and Nutrition; Regional ecology & Natural History

Tuesday, October 28

Readings due:

Finish Short Research Project 4


  • Article from Economist: All Creatures Great and Small
  • Burghardt, K., Tallamy, D., &  Shriver, W.G. (2009). Impact of Native Plants on Bird and Butterfly Biodiversity in Suburban Landscapes. Conservation Biology, 23 (1).
  • Seeds of Doubt by Michael Specter (New Yorker)
  • Pollan:Pollan: Grass
  • Nestle: 6-15


Thursday, October 30

Ecology(part 2 if needed)

Easy Internet Based Stats

Week 10: Intersection of Agriculture, Science, Economics and Policy with Food and Nutrition

Tuesday, November 4

Readings due: Nestle: Chapters 16-25 (Discuss in car on way to Science Museum)
Trip to Science Museum

Thursday, November 6

Nutrition 101 & Dietary Guidelines

Finish Ecology as needed


Week 11: Intersection of Agriculture, Science, Economics and Policy with Food and Nutrition

Tuesday, November 11

Michele in Spain:

Readings due: Nestle: Pollan: Forest (Need an individual to lead)
Nestle: Finish Book
(Need an individual to lead)

Watch: Film: Food.Inc

Thursday, November 13

Michele in Spain:

Watch:Marion Nestle: Nobel 2010 lecture

Week 12: Global Climate Change; Ways of Knowing in Science

Tuesday, November 18

Readings due: Flight Behavior: Chapters 1-5; Somerville, R. C., & Hassol, S. J. (2011). The science of climate change. Phys. Today64(10), 48.

Basics of GCC


Thursday, November 20

Ways of knowing in science:
Historical and contemporary views of the NOS
Read: Lies Lies & Damned Lies (hand out)

Week 13: Global Climate Change:Ways of Knowing in Science

Tuesday, November 25

Experiment Design due

Thursday, November 27

No class: Thanksgiving

Week 14: Global Climate Change; Ways of Knowing in Science

Tuesday, December 2

Flight Behavior: Chapters 6-11

Basics of GCC part 2


Thursday, December 4
Quiz 4
Scientific and Cultural symbols

Week 15: Global Climate Change; Ways of Knowing in Science; Bringing CUR 260 Together

Tuesday, December 9

Flight Behavior: Finish

Three Crowns questions:
What constitutes moral and ethical behavior?
What makes for a good life?
How do individuals construct local & global community?

Tuesday, December 11

Citizen Science:

Sullivan, B. L., Wood, C. L., Iliff, M. J., Bonney, R. E., Fink, D., & Kelling, S. (2009). eBird: A citizen-based bird observation network in the biological sciences. Biological Conservation142(10), 2282-2292.

Final Exam: Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Research Presentations Due


Updated: October 13, 2014