The final step in creating your web
page is to save (or copy) the file you have been working on to the
"www-docs" that you can find in your home directory. Once you
have placed the file in the www-docs directory, you should make sure
the file is "readable" by others. To check this, click on the file's
icon and press the right mouse button. A menu will popup. Select the
"Properties" submenu to popup a dialog box. Click on the
"Permissions" tab to check the file's permissions. You should
make sure that all three buttons are set as "Can Read." Once you
have done
this, use Firefox to test that your web page can be accessed
correctly. For
example, if your user name is "jstudent" and your web page is named
"home-page.html", you would test your web page
by typing
"" in the location bar of
The project report should summarize the
work done for this lab. We have included a sample project report
here for you to use as a guide in
preparing your report. To get some sense of how this project
report will be graded, look at the
grading sheet that we use.
Your report should have all HTML code for
your page attached as an appendix. Make sure that you consider the
College's Honor Policy and write the following in full and sign it on
your report:
On my honor, I pledge that I have not given, received, nor
others' use of unauthorized aid in completing this work.