How to make your Mac ready for MCS-178

I’m going to assume you don’t have macport installed. If you do, skip this installation and talk to me personally.


First, you must have homebrew installed, so type

$ brew --version

and read its output. If already installed, you might want to do

$ brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup

If not yet installed, type

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

to install homebrew. Talk to me personally if you don’t even have ruby installed yet! Homebrew is a package manager. You can read its blurb page at

Java JDK 8

Next, make sure you have Java JDK 8 installed. To do this, type

$ java -version

If it says Java version 1.8 something then you can skip ahead to the next section on gradle. If it says you don’t have Java installed then continue with Java installation. If it says you do have Java installed but its version is not 8, then you should first remove the current java version and continue with Java 8 installation. If your machine has Java 12 installed, you can remove it by following instruction at To install Java 8, visit the page


Once you have Java 8 installed, you can install the command-line Kotlin tools next. Simply type

$ brew install kotlin

and you are done.


Next, you have to install gradle. To check whether your machine already has gradle installed or not, type

$ gradle -v

If gradle is already installed, you’ll be told the gradle version, build time, revision, and other related information.

If gradle is not installed, you’ll be told that the gradle command cannot be found.

To install gradle, simply type

$ brew install gradle

and you’ll be good to go.

Text editor

Last but not least is a text editor. If you already have a favorite, continue using it. You will be most productive that way. If you don’t have a favorite yet, investigate Sublime Text and atom. If you are brave in addition to being not yet married to a text editor, investigate emacs and vim.