New Links

Slides from Class Presentation (December 12, 2001) on anticancer compounds, cone snail toxins, alkaloids, etc.

DNA-Cleaving Anticancer Drugs derived from Microbial Products

Bioactive Agents from Nature - from plants and microoganisms

Pharmacology Central - a very thorough site for structures and mechanisms of action of a huge array of drugs

Marine Siderophores (iron acquisition molecules used by marine bacteria and algae)
short summary of current research
Alison Butler's siderophore research group - short description
"Aquisition and Utilization of Transition Metal Ions by Marine Organisms,"
- a review article by Alison Butler, published in Science, July 10, 1998, p. 208.

Haiku Periodic Table

Monoenoic and Other Unsaturated Fatty Acids
(Monoenoic acids are long-chain carboxylic acids that
contain a single double bond.)
If you aren't aware of which of these acids is used as a traditional
treatment for leprosy, you can find out at this site. Many other
structurally interesting acids are also discussed.

Organic Chemistry Help (basic organic chemistry concepts
& list of organic web sites)

Cipro and other Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics
structure of Cipro
mechanism of action - DNA gyrase and DNA telomerase inhibitors
DNA topoisomerases and their inhibition
DNA topoisomerases - short tutorial
DNA synthesis - detailed outline of steps
DNA synthesis - animation of the construction
of the backbone (from the previous links)

Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - history, structures, categories
(e.g. gyrase inhibitors, cell wall synthesis inhibitors, etc.),
and details on mechanisms of action.