MCS-276: Introduction to Systems I (Fall 2024)


MCS-276 will give students introduction of computer systems as seen through the eye of a programmer. Students will learn how a computer execute programs, store information, and communicate. They will become more effective programmers, especially in dealing with issues of performance, portability and robustness. The course also serves as a foundation for MCS-376: Systems II, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues is required. Topics covered include: machine-level code and its generation by optimizing compilers, performance evaluation and optimization, computer arithmetic, networking technology and protocols, and supporting concurrent computation.


Our texts will be the third edition of Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective by Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron, published by Pearson, and the second edition of The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, published by Prentice-Hall.

World Wide Web

All course materials will be available on the course website and on Moodle ( The URL for the course is


Louis Yu <>

Office: Olin 306

Phone: x7466


Office Hours: My office hours for the Spring, 2024 semester are:

Visitors are welcome whenever my office door is opened, even outside scheduled office hours. If you would like to meet with me during weekdays, please email me to schedule an appointment.

Weekly Schedule:

Weekly Schedule

Night Tutors

For this course, it is very important for you to seek help outside of lectures (for example, from my office hours). After-class help sessions are here to supplement your classwork and to clarify any confusions.

Other than my office hours, I have arrangedin-person night tutors. The tutors are availablity are:

One of the biggest challenges students face in this course is dealing with the complexity of the lab assignments. To be clear, you will need to finish four very challenging assignments, thus, the key for surviving in this course is to utilize the help offered outside of the classroom (for example, my office hours and the night tutors). More on that in Course Information.

Labs and Lab Assignments

For this course, you will need to complete 3 lab assignments. In each case, I will indicate what I expect of you. A project report that meets those expectations is due before the start of the class on the date specified. If you submit the report late, your grade will drop 10% per day late or fraction thereof. If you are too sick to complete a report on time, you will not be penalized. However, you need to talk to me or email me as soon as possible (and in general before the report is due), and provide the necessary doctor's note. Other circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In general, you should talk to me or email me (asap) around the time of the incident.

Some class days, usually as shown in the syllabus, we will be working in the classroom on lab assignments. You will work on the assignments on your own laptop. One or more of those lab days will be provided for you to work on each lab assignment. However, you will generally need to spend additional time on the assignment outside of class.


There will be one intra-term tests during the semester and a final exam as scheduled by the registrar. If you have a conflict with a testing time, please contact me as soon as possible to make an alternative arrangement.

The tests will be opened-book and mostly opened-notes. It will also be in-person and timed (1 hour for the midterm and 2 hours for the final).

The midterm is worth 15% of your total grade and the final is worth 20% of your total grade. However, If you recieve less than 50% on your midterm and final (on average), your test portion (midterm and final) will account for 0% of your final grade.


This year due to COVID-19, we will rely heavily on your own discipline to absorb the class materials. To help you with that, I will give you homework problems. You are generally given 1-2 weeks to complete each homework. Some of these problems are written and some requires coding. Please note that these problems may also serve as practice for midterm and the final. Homework problems are worth 20% of your final grade (there will be 5 given, each worth 4%).

The syllabus shows due dates for 5 homework assignments; each will typically consist of a few problems. For each homework assignment, you are to turn in at most two drafts of the solution.

First, You must turn in a first draft of the solution to each problem in an assignment by the assignment's due date, at the start of the lecture. I will then grade your solutions and give you as much written comments as possible to help you with the next draft. I will also mark each problem as mastered (M) or not yet mastered (N). You should really take these gradings as an invitation to come talk to me during office hours or talk to the tutors during tutoring sessions. If you do not turn in a first draft by an assignment's due date, your score to the corresponding homework assignment is zero, there is no late penalty for the first draft.

Please note that if your homework problem was graded as mastered (M), it is still possible that your solution contains errors. In general if your solution was more than 80% correct I will give you an "M" and write down your errors as comments. You should read these comments for the midterms and the final.

If 60% of the solutions in your graded first draft are marked as "M", you will get to submit a second draft. For your second draft, you will get a chance to solve the problems you had previous recieved "N" for. You only need to submit solutions for problems you had previous recieved "N" for in the first draft, on separate sheets of papers or documents.

You must submit the second draft for homework 1, 2, and 3 by Friday, 11/8 (the review lecture for the midterm), by the start of class. You must submit the second draft for homework 4, 5 by Monday, 12/16 (the review lecture for the final exam), by the start of class. These cutoff dates are intentionally synchronized with the test review days; the point of the homeworks is to prepare you for the tests. If you do not turn in a second draft by an dates specified, your score to the corresponding homework assignment is the score of your first draft, there is no late penalty for the second draft; if you miss the (firm) deadline for the second draft, you will recieve zero on the cooresponding homework.

You must submit all your drafts (1st or 2nd) via Moodle ( If you plan to miss a lecture on the day in which a homework draft is due, you must make sure that the professor (that's me) recieves your homework draft before the cooresponding due date and time (you can submit them to me a little earlier). You can type your solutions using a text editor or write down your solutions on a piece of paper and then take a picture. If you wrote down your solutions on a piece of paper, you must scan them (taking a picture using a scanner program on your phone will do). Please make sure that your writings are readable. If I can not read your writings for a solution, I will give you an "N" for the cooresponding question.

The homework portion of your course grade will simply be determined by the fraction of the homework problems you eventually mastered (recieved "M" for).

Attendance Grade

Attendance, both physical and mental, is required. In fact, it is worth 5% of your final percentage in the course. It is especially important for you to attend and participate in lectures (and labs) this semester. I will be recording attendance at the start of each lecture. Everyone will start with 5 points of attendance grade at the beginning of the semester (attendance is worth 5% of the final grade). During the semester, one point will be deducted if you miss either a lecture or a lab session. You are allowed 5 "free points" during the semester. You may use those "free points" for sick days, or simply "I am feeling overwhelmed and need a mental health day" (as mental wellbeing is important). If you have influenza-like symptoms (temperature over 100 with headaches, sore throat, or cough), please call Health Service. If they say that you stay home, you should do so, and use one of your "free points".

If you foresee yourself needing more "free points" (for example, if you have an on-going health issue that you see may affect your attendence during the semester), you need to discuss that with me asap, and I have the right to accept or reject your requests based on the circumstances.

If you show up more than 10 minutes late (and miss the period in which you are to record your own attendance) to a lecture, I will make a note of it, and each case will result in one point deduction. If you forgot to record your attendance at the start of a lecture or a lab, I am not responsible to record your attendance for you (you would then need to use one of your "free points" and make sure to record your attendance next time).

Should you miss a class for any reason, you are still responsible for the material covered in there. If there is a project report or homework due that day, you should be sure to submit it (to me, in-person) on time (thus, do not leave your work until the last minute).


For this course, ideally your grade should be a reflection of the effort you had spent. At the end of the semester, if you tell me that you have put in a lot of effort but you received a bad grade, I will ask you the following: "did you attend all the lectures?", "did you pay attention in classes?", and finally, "did you take advantage of the overabundance of help offered to you?". If your answer to any of those questions is "no", then you did not put enough efforts into the course.

Please keep in mind that there is no such course which allows you to miss lectures, lab sessions, projects or homework, but somehow miraculously implant the necessary knowledge in your head; no matter how "good" or "bad" the course is. Academia demands Discipline.

The Bonus Points System for the Classroom

For this course, I encourage questions, discussions, peer-helping, and explorations. So, I am bringing back the bonus point system. During the semester, you are strongly encouraged to ask questions (during or after lectures) and to take part in discussions. If I feel that you had made a good contribution, you will receive one bonus point.

You will also earn bonus points if you have ideas about extra work (such as open questions) you can do and have done them outside of class. You can talk to me about what you had done and show me your work. I will give you bonus points accordingly.

The maximum amount of bonus points per student is 9. They are worth 3 percent of your final grade. That is, if by the end of the semester you had received 9 bonus points from me, you can raise your final percentage by 3%.

The Bonus Points System for the Assignments

It should be very clear to you that you need to seek help from me outside of the class. What's more, you are just an email away from arranging sessions from me at a time which works for you (per instance or on a regular basis). The deciding factor here is clearly the effort you spent.

Please keep in mind that if you tell me "none of the help sessions offered throughout the week are held at a time which works for me", then I will tell you (other to prioritize your schedule) that at any time you can send an email to arrange for a session.

To help keeping track of the effort you had put into the course, and to offset the difficulties on the assignment, you can earn 5% bonus points per assignment by doing the following:

Accordingly, after you had attended a tutoring session, please remind your tutor to send me an email.

Grade changes

Please point out any arithmetic or clerical error I make in grading, and I will gladly fix it. You may also request reconsideration if I have been especially unjust.


The course components will contribute to your grade in the following proportion:

The perfect score for this course is 100%. Each component of the course will be calculated from its raw score to its corresponding weight in the total grade. Your letter grade for the course will be recorded as follows:

A: 94-100 B+: 87-89 C+: 77-79 D+: 67-69 F: < 62
A-: 90-93 B: 83-86 C: 73-76 D: 63-66
B-: 80-82 C-: 70-72

Please point out any arithmetic or clerical error I make in grading, and I will gladly fix it. You may also request reconsideration if you feel I have been especially unjust.


Any substantive contribution to your project report by another person or taken from a website or publication should be properly acknowledged in writing (by citing the source). Failure to do so is plagiarism and will necessitate disciplinary action. At the minimal, you will recieve zero on the course component in which plagiarism is violated. For more serious cases, you will recieve zero in the course.

The same standards regarding plagiarism apply to team projects as to the work of individuals, except that the author is now the entire team rather than an individual. Anything taken from a source outside the team should be properly cited.

As a guideline for collaboration, it is ok for students to get together in small groups to go over material from the lectures and text, solve problems from the text, study for exams, and discuss the general ideas and approaches to projects. However, work to be turned in, including projects and homework exercises, must be done independently. This means that the work you turn in must represent only your own work. It must not be based on help from others or information obtained from sources other than those approved by the instructors (e.g., the text, the course webpage, and materials provided in the lectures). Effective learning is compromised when this is not the case.

Accordingly, you should never read or copy another student's code or solutions, exchange computer files (or pieces of papers with solutions written on them), or share your code/solutions with anyone else in the class until after both parties have submitted the assignment. Under no circumstances may you hand in work done by someone else under your own name. No hard copies of other people's work should be copied down or taken away after discussions (or in any circumstances).

Gustavus Adolphus College is proud to operate under an honor system (for more information, please see here). The faculty and students have jointly created an Honor Board to enforce the Honor Code and the Academic Honesty Policy. Each faculty member is responsible for stating course penalties for academic honesty violations, and for defining the level of authorized aid appropriate to the work in their courses. Each faculty member is also required to report violations of the Academic Honesty Policy to the Provost's Office. It is your responsibility, as a student, to ask questions if you are not sure about situations such as when to cite a source, how to cite a source, sharing data with lab-mates, and avoiding inadvertent cheating when working in groups. It is also your responsibility to learn about the policy and the consequences for violations so please ask questions!

The overarching principle of the Academic Honesty Policy is that students shall submit their own work, in fairness to others and to self. Your Professor wants you, a developing scholar, to be able to take pride in your own academic work and to maintain your academic integrity. Citations must accompany any use of another's words or ideas that are not common knowledge. Quoting or paraphrasing from electronic sources without proper citation is as serious a violation as copying from a book or other printed source. A student may not submit work that is substantially the same in two courses without first gaining permission of both instructors if the courses are taken concurrently, or permission of the current instructor if the work has been submitted in a previous semester. Ask your Professor if you have questions about a particular assignment or kind of work. Please make sure you fully understand the rules related to online work, as it pertains to this course. Unauthorized aid during online exams and assignments is every bit as serious and inappropriate as it would be in an in-person course. In fact, in the online environment it is sometimes easier for faculty to detect violations.

The sanction in this course for a violation of the Honor Code involving plagiarism, copying another student on an exam, or other kinds of cheating on a single assignment will usually be an "F" on the plagiarized assignment or exam. For a more significant event, I, your Professor, reserve the right to assign you a grade of "F" for the course. In addition, for any Honor Code violation, I will notify the Provost's Office. A letter will be generated by the Provost's Office and sent to you. The letter will remain on file. There will be no further consequence, beyond the course penalty and the letter, if you do not commit any further Honor Code violations. Repeat offenses could ultimately lead to dismissal from the College. You have the right to appeal any Honor Code violation through an Honor Board hearing process. In this course, your Professor aims for you to learn how to cite sources properly, do your own work on all exams, and function as a scholar with integrity. Please feel welcome to ask questions about the important matter of Academic Honesty and let me know how I can best support your learning.

Academic Accommodations

Gustavus Adolphus College is committed to ensuring equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students. If you have a disability and anticipate or experience barriers to equal access, please speak with the accessibility resources staff about your needs. A disability may include mental health, attentional, learning, chronic health, sensory, physical, and/or short-term conditions. Students with a documented elevated risk of COVID-19 may also request academic accommodations. When appropriate, staff will guide students and professors in making accommodations to ensure equal access. Accommodations cannot be made retroactively; therefore, to maximize your academic success at Gustavus, please contact them as early as possible. Accessibility resources staff are located in the Academic Support Center ( (x7227). Accessibility Resources Coordinator, Corrie Odland (, can provide further information.

Multilingual Student Support

Some Gusties may have grown up speaking a language (or languages) other than English at home. If so, we refer to you as "multilingual."" Your multilingual background is an incredible resource for you, and for our campus, but it can come with some challenges. You can find support through the Center for International and Cultural Education's ( Multilingual and Intercultural Program Coordinator (MIPC), Pamela Pearson ( Pamela can meet individually for tutoring in writing, consulting about specific assignments, and helping students connect with the College's support systems. If you want help with a specific task (for example, reading word problems on an exam quickly enough or revising grammar in essays), let your professor and Pamela know as soon as possible. In addition, the Writing Center ( offers tutoring from peers (some of whom are themselves multilingual) who can help you do your best writing.

Mental Wellbeing

The Gustavus community is committed to and cares about all students. Strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol or drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating, and/or lack of motivation may affect a student's academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. If you or someone you know expresses such mental health concerns or experiences a stressful event that can create barriers to learning, Gustavus services are available to assist you, and include online options. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential health services available on campus at and

COVID Policies in the Classrooms

All classrooms will follow the most up-to-date COVID policy of the college with regard to masking, social distance, food and beverage in the classroom, and sanitizing of technology and spaces. Individual faculty members may ask for additional COVID precautions at their discretion.