Inclusive Science Education Forum
a forum of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

Purpose of Inclusive Science Education Forum

The primary mission of the Inclusive Science Education Forum (ISEF) includes developing ways to enable ASTE members to improve understanding and sensitivity to human diversity. ISEF shall be concerned with science teacher education as it pertains to teaching science to students with exceptionalities and/or students whose race, class, ethnicity, sexual preference and gender have alienated them from full participation in science. The Forum will serve as an umbrella for all those populations currently underrepresented in science and science education.


The Inclusive Science Education Forum will act as an umbrella group with working groups formed around interest areas. ISEF will address issues related to inclusive science teacher education, writ large. Within the structure of the forum working groups will be formed to address specific issues and areas of concern. Working groups are self-selected to address issues and concerns such as, but not limited to: Students with disabilities, Race, Class, Ethnicity, Gender. Formation of working groups will be facilitated through AETS listserve and/or a specific listserve set up for ISEF and other communication networks. Each working group will appoint a contact person to facilitate communication between the work group and the forum.



The directory link provides the names, institutional affiliations and interests of the forum members.

Resources (organizations, books, websites & articles)