Science Education

a forum of the Association for the Education
of Teachers of Science




Lawrence, S. (1998). Unveiling positions of privilege: A hands-on approach to understanding racism. Teaching of Psychology, 25(3), 198-200.

Lee, O. (1999). Science knowledge, world views and information sources in social and cultural contexts: Making sense after a natural disaster. American Educational Research Journal, 36 (2), 187-219.


Journal of Elementary Science Education

Finson, K.D. (2003).  Applicability of the DAST-C to the images of scientists drawn by students of different racial groups. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 15(1), 15-26.

Hamrich, P.L. (1998). Two cultures of teacher preparation:  Effects on teacher candidates’ world view. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 10(1), 18-38.

Koballa, T.R., Jr., & Chen, C.S. (1993).  Influencing Chinese prospective elementary teachers’ decisions to teach about the environment. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 5(1), 27-49.

Martinello, M.L., & Kromer, M.E. (1990).  Developing and assessing lower-SES Hispanic children’s lnferential thinking through a museum-school program. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 2(2), 21-36.

The Journal of Science Teacher Education


Aikenhead, G.S., & Otsuji, H. (2000).  Japanese and Canadian science teachers’ views on science and culture. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 11(4), 277-299.

Atwater, M.M. (1989).  Including multicultural education in science education:  Definitions, competencies, and activities.  Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1(1), 17-19.

Atwater, M.M. (1996).  Teacher education and multicultural education:  Implications for science education research. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 7(1), 1-21.

Bailey,.B.L., Scantlebury, K.C., & Johnson, E.M. (1999).  Encouraging the beginning of equitable science teaching practice:  Collaboration is the key. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 10(3), 159-173.

Bianchini, J.A., Cavazos, L.M., & Rivas, M. (2003).  At the intersection of contemporary description of science and issues of equity and diversity:  Student teachers’ conceptions, rationales, and instructional practices. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 14(4), 259-290.

Fraser-Abder, P. (2001).  Preparing science teachers for culturally diverse classrooms. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 12(2), 123-131.

Loving, C.C., & Marshall, J.E. (1997).  Increasing the pool of ethnically diverse science teachers:  A mid-project evaluation. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 8(3), 205-217.

Luft, J. (1998).  Multicultural science education:  An overview. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 9(2), 103-122.

Parsons, E.C. (2000).  Culturalizing science instruction:  What is it, what does it look like and why do we need it? Journal of Science Teacher Education, 11(3), 207-219.

Ritter, J.M., Boone, W.J., & Rubba, P.A. (2001).  Development of an instrument to assess prospective elementary teacher self-efficacy beliefs about equitable science teaching and learning (SEBEST). Journal of Science Teacher Education, 12(3), 175-198.

Schmuckler, J.S., Wei, Z., & Zheng, G. (1990).  International symposium on chemistry education:  A summary report. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1(3), 59-60.

Schmuckler, J.S., Wei, Z., & Zheng, G. (1990).  Ten years of cooperative science education in the People’s Republic of China. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 1(4), 79-80.

Sweeney, A.E. (2001).  Incorporating multicultural and science-technology-society issues into science teacher education courses:  Successes, challenges and possibilities. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 6121), 1-28.

Science Education

Aikenhead, G. (2001).  Students’ ease in crossing cultural borders into school science.  Science Education, 85(2), 180-188.

Atwater, M. (2001).  Equity for Black Americans in precollege science.  Science Education, 84(2), 154-179.

Bianchini, J., Johnston, C., Ovan, S., & Cavazos, L. (2003).  Learning to teach science in contemporary and equitable ways: The successes and struggles of first-year science teachers.  Science Education, 87 (3), 419-443.

Brown, B., Reveles, J., & Kelly, G. (2005).  Scientific literacy and discursive identity: A theoretical framework for understanding science learning.  Science Education, 89(5), 779-802.

Bryan, L., & Atwater, M. (2002).  Teacher beliefs and cultural models: A challenge for science teacher preparation program.  Science Education,86(6), 821-839.

Carter, L. (2004).  Thinking differently about cultural diversity: Using postcolonial theory to (re)read science education.  Science Education, 88(6), 819-992.

Cobern, W. & Loving, C. (2001).  Defining “science” in a multicultural world:  Implications for science education.  Science Education, 85(1), 50-67.

Deyhle, D. & Hayes, M. (2001).  Constructing difference:  A comparative study of elementary science curriculum differentiation.  Science Education, 85(3), 239-262.

Irzik, G. (2000).  Universalism, multiculturalism, and science education.  Science Education, 85(1), 71-73.

Kozoll, R. & Osborne, M. (2004).  Finding meaning in science: Lifeworld, identity, and self.  Science Education, 88(2) 157-181.

Lawrenz, F., Huffman, D., & Welch, W. (2001).  The science achievement of various subgroups on alternative assessment formats.  Science Education, 85(3), 279-290.

Lewis, B. & Aikenhead, G. (2001).  Introduction: Shifting perspectives from universalism to cross-culturalism.  Science Education, 85(1), 3-5.

McKinley, E. (2001).  Cultural diversity: Masking power with innocence.  Science Education, 85(1), 74-76.

Montellano, B. (2001).  Multicultural science: Who benefits?  Science Education, 85(1), 77-79.

Munby, H., Cunningham, M. & Lock, C. (2000).  School science culture:  A case study of barriers to developing professional knowledge.  Science Education, 84(2), 193-211.

Riggs, E. (2004).  Field-based education and indigenous knowledge: Essential components of geoscience education for Native American communities.  Science Education, 89 (2), 296-313.

Siegel, H. (2002). Multiculturalism, universalism, and science education: In search of common ground.  Science Education, 86(6), 803-820.

Stanley, W. & Brickhouse, N. (2001).  Teaching sciences: The multicultural question revisted.  Science Education, 85(1), 35-49.

Svennbeck, M. (2001).  Rethinking the discussion about science education in a multicultural world: Some alternative questions as a new point of departure.  Science Education, 85(1), 80-81.

Tobin, K. (2005).  Building enacted science curricula on the capital of  learners.  Science Education, 89(4), 577-594.

Yerrick, R. & Hoving, T. (2003).  One foot on the dock and one foot on the boat:  Differences among pre-service science teachers’ interpretations of field-based science methods in culturally diverse contexts.  Science Education, 87(3), 390-418.

This site features inclusive pedagogies.
This site for the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium includes well-developed equity tools.


Professional Organizations

National Association for Multicultural Education is a professional organization that brings together individuals and groups with an interest in multicultural education from all levels of education, different academic disciplines and from diverse educational institutions and occupations. This is the organization's web site, and has links to state chapters throughout the U.S.