CHE244 - Special Topics - Instrument Design
Spring 2020
Dr. Dwight Stoll

Stuff - Syllabus, Helpful Links for the COVID Era


Project - Mock GC Oven - Objectives/Deliverables/Roles, r1

Project - MatLab Interface for MCR-ALS Analysis of Chromatography Data

Helpful Links for COVID Times

The Counseling Center is available for some distance support.

The Office of the Chaplains is available for distance support and is offering remote Sabbath opportunities. This page also has a list of online/virtual Worship/Religious services and resources for several faith traditions.

The Academic Support Center is open and ready to meet with students remotely.

The ASC has also published a 2-page document with tips for students about transitioning to at-home, online learning. 

GTS has several relevant support pages for students: