Tables are used to display a single categorical variable.

The data for these examples comes from the mtcars dataset.

Frequency Table

my.table <- table(mtcars$gear, dnn="Gears"); # creates a table
my.table # Displays the table
## Gears
##  3  4  5 
## 15 12  5

Frequency Table with Total

my.table <- table(mtcars$gear, dnn="Gears"); # creates a table
addmargins(my.table);  # Table with total
## Gears
##   3   4   5 Sum 
##  15  12   5  32

Relative Frequency Tables

my.table <- table(mtcars$gear, dnn="Gears"); # creates a table
prop.table(my.table) # Divides table by table total
## Gears
##       3       4       5 
## 0.46875 0.37500 0.15625

Rounded Relative Frequency Table

my.table <- table(mtcars$gear, dnn="Gears"); # creates a table
round( prop.table(my.table), 4) # Rounded 
## Gears
##      3      4      5 
## 0.4688 0.3750 0.1562

Frequency Table Using Your Own Data

Suppose you collected your own data and it looks something like this.

Category Count
A 25
B 21
C 20

If the data is stored in a spreadsheet you could read the data in and save it as a variable. If it is not saved in a spreadsheet you may create a table by using the code below. <- c(rep("A", 25), rep("B", 21), rep("C", 20) )
table(, dnn="Category")
## Category
##  A  B  C 
## 25 21 20

Other Table Options

There are many different ways to make a contingency table in R. Below is code to produce a Contingency table with different functions. The outputs are similar, but the underlying structures are very different.


library(tidyverse) # loads select() and %>% 
mtcars %>% select(gear) %>% table(dnn = "Gears")
## Gears
##  3  4  5 
## 15 12  5


with(mtcars, table(gear))
## gear
##  3  4  5 
## 15 12  5


xtabs( ~ gear , data = mtcars)
## gear
##  3  4  5 
## 15 12  5


# load the mosaic package to use tally()
tally( ~ gear  , data=mtcars)
## gear
##  3  4  5 
## 15 12  5


library(dplyr) # load the dplyr package to use %>%
mtcars %>% count(gear)
##   gear  n
## 1    3 15
## 2    4 12
## 3    5  5

HTML Tables

The kable() function in the knitr package is one of several functions that converts a standard table to a number of alternative formats. This is useful for creating fancier tables in documents and html pages. The xtable() function in the xtable package will also do this.

Gears Freq
3 15
4 12
5 5

Mathematicss, Computer Science, and Statistics Department Gustavus Adolphus College