![]() Daniel C. Moos, Ph.D. |
Gustavus Adolphus College, Department of Education |
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Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers Candidates complete a SmartBoard project, which includes a presentation and paper. This project provides our candidates the opportunity to meet Stadard 6K: "use a variety of media communication tools, including audiovisual aids and computer, including education technology, to enrich learning opportunities." ______________________________________________________________________ In addition, this course (EDU 241: Educational Technology) meets the following Standards of Effective Practice: 2H. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts related to technology and student learning How is this standard met? Students read and discuss various online articles. Students discuss cognitive theories (i.e. Information Processing theory) of learning and how they apply to various technology environments (i.e. Smartboards, designing powerpoint). Informal assessments are made during these class discussions. ______________________________________________________________________ 3R. Identify and apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities How is this standard met? In EDU 241, Students students are exposed to and discuss diversity in the context of intelligence (i.e. Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligence). These discussions provide the framework for them to apply their knowledge, as it relates to this standard. Students explore various technology resources that meet the needs of students with diverse intelligence (i.e. Garageband for those with musical intelligence). Informal assessments are made during these discussions and work with technology resources. Additionally, students design and present a Smartboard lesson and are assessed on how they differentiate the Smartboard lesson. ______________________________________________________________________ 4D. Nurture the development of student critical thinking How is this standard met? Students are asked to think about and discuss key technology issues from multiple perspectives (including social, legal, and ethical issues, as well as trends in the latest classroom technology such as iPads). Students are assessed on the final "Technology Page", which they add to their electronic portofolio. They are asked to think critically about how various types of technology can ehance student learning, as well as articulate their opinion on a social, ethical, or legal issue related to technology. ______________________________________________________________________ 4K. Use technology to broaden student knowledge about technology, to deliver instruction to students at different levels and paces, and to stimulated advanced levels of understanding and 4L. Develop, implement, and evaluate lesson plans that include methods and strategies to maximize learning that incorporate a wide variety of materials and technology resources How are these standard met? Students discuss how to design effective lesson plans, with a variety of technology resources. At several points throughout the semester in EDU 241: Educational Technology, the students then apply their knowledge through the evaluation of existing lesson plans. Informal assessments are made during these discussions, including observations of how they evaluate lesson plans based on thier implementation of technology. ______________________________________________________________________ 6K. Use a variety of media and educational technology to enrich learning opportunities How is this standard met? Throughout the semester in EDU 241: Educational Technology, students are provided with opportunities to explore and interact with a variety of technology tools, including clickers, Second Life, Garageband, Smartboards, Powerpoint, Concepts Maps through Inspiration/Kidspiration, iPads, Adventure Learning, Eletronic Gradebooks, and Photoshop. Informal assessments are made during these discussions. Students demonstrate, and are assed on, their understanding as it relates to this standard within their ePortoflio, which is created in EDU 241. This ePortfolio contains an "Technology Page", which requires students to demonstrates their understanding of a variety of educational technology environments and how these environments can be used to enrich learning. ______________________________________________________________________ 7H. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities and develop strategies to manage student learning in a technology-integrated environment How is this standard met? Knowledge related to this standard is built through discussions in class. ______________________________________________________________________ 8N. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning How is this standard met? In EDU 241, Students students are exposed to various technology resources to collect and analyze data (i.e. Easy Grade Pro). Informal assessments are made during these discussions. ______________________________________________________________________ 9M. Understand the role of continuous development in technology knowledge and skills representative of technology applications for education How is this standard met? In EDU 241, the the continuing contribution of various theorists in the field of Educational Technology (i.e. Papert, Dede, Hannafin, Linnn, Jonassen) are discussed. Informal assessments are made during these discussions. Additionally, students are assessed on their willingness and ability to engage in continuous development in technology knowledge with an essay on the final exam. ______________________________________________________________________ 10M. Understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of information and technology in prekindergarten through grade 12 schools and apply that understanding in practice How is this standard met? Students discuss social (cyberbullying) , ethical (plagarism, "Turnitin.com", student records), and legal issues (Acceptable Use Policy) in using technology in PK-12 schools. Informal assessments are made during these discussions. Student's understanding of these issues is assessed on their Technology Page, a page created within their ePortfolio for EDU 241. Students are required to discuss their views on these three issues within this page, as well as lead class discussions around these issues. ______________________________________________________________________