Daniel C. Moos, Ph.D.


Gustavus Adolphus College, Department of Education


Educational Technology: Spring 2017 Syllabus

Note: Syllabus Subject To Change


Class #1 (Tu):

Feb 7


Class (First Class):

  • Introductions & class expectations


Assignments Due Today:



  • Watch introductory video on designing websites in Wix: Click HERE

Class #2 (Th):

Feb 9


Class (Create your website):

  • Introduce Wix
  • Introduce Homepage
  • Worktime for Homepage


Assignments Due Today:

  • Watch introductory video on designing websites in Wix: Click HERE


  • Complete rough draft of Homepage (final draft, online due Class #5)

Class #3 (Tu):

Feb 14



Class (Add to your website):

  • Introduce Majors Page
  • Worktime for Homepage & Majors page

Assignments Due Today:

  • Homepage, rough draft


  • Majors Page, rough draft (final draft, online due Class #5)

Class #4 (Th):

Feb 16



Class (Introduction to SmartBoard):

  • Smartboard Assignment Overview (introduce Technology Page and SmartBoard Paper)
  • Smartboard Introduction and Notebook tutorial
  • Example Smartboard notebook presentations

Assignments Due Today:

  • Majors page, rough draft (final draft, online due Class #5)


  • Majors page, final draft, online
  • Homepage, final draft, online

Class #5 (Tu):

Feb 21

Class (SmartBoard, continued):

  • Introduce "Backwards Design" to developing lessons
  • Review lesson plans within the context of "Backwards Design"
  • Revisit example Smartboard presenation within the context of Backwards design


Assignments Due Today:

  • Majors page, final draft, online
  • Homepage, final draft, online



  • SmartBoard Presentation: (1) Identify if you would like to work with a partner; (2) Choose your topic for a 15 minute presentation; (3) Complete Backwards Design template for your SmartBoard Presentation

Class #6 (Th):

Feb 23

Class (SmartBoard, continued):

  • SmartBoard worktime


Assignments Due Today:

  • SmartBoard Presentation: (1) Identify if you would like to work with a partner; (2) Choose your topic for a 15 minute presentation; (3) Complete Backwards Design template for your SmartBoard Presentation



  • Finish SmartBoard Presentation (make sure the presentation is uploaded & linked to your Technology Page)
  • Finish SmartBoard Paper (you will turn in a hardcopy AND copy and link it to your Technology Page)

Class #7 (Tu):

Feb 28

Class (SmartBoard, continued):

  • Review homework for next class and upcoming classes
  • SmartBoard informal sharing of presentations
  • Turn in your SmartBoard paper (time at end of class to confirm that SmartBoard Presentation and paper are properly linked to your Technology page)


Assignments Due Today:

  • Finish SmartBoard Presentation (make sure the presentation is uploaded & linked to your Technology Page)
  • Finish SmartBoard Paper (you will turn in a hardcopy AND copy and link it to your Technology Page)



  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)
  • Work on SmartBoard Presentation AND paper

Class #8 (Th):

March 2

Class (Emerging Technology: Concept Maps)

  • Concept Maps (Inspiration/Kidspiration)/ Discuss Reaction Paper
  • Continuous development in technology knowledge; discuss a variety of media and educational technology to enrich and assess learning:

    Example of step 1 in Concept Maps, click here

    Example of step 2 in Concept Maps, click here

    Example of step 3 in Concept Maps, click here

    Example of step 4 in Concept Maps, click here


    Assignments Due Today:

    • Read article (Click HERE)
    • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)



    • Read article (Click HERE)
    • Watch Video (Click HERE)

Class #9 (Tu):

March 7

Class (Emerging Technology: Garageband)

  • Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intellgience/ Discuss Reaction Paper
  • Garageband (Emotions and Character Development in Harry Potter: click here.; Music in content areas such as Math: click here).


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Watch Video (Click HERE)



  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Watch Video (Click HERE)
  • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)

Class #10 (Th):

March 9

Class (Emerging Technlogy: Adventure Learning)

  • Constructivism
  • Constructivism powerpoint (Click HERE)
  • Adventure Learning and Second Life


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Watch Video (Click HERE)
  • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)



  • Read two articles (Article #1 and Article #2) on designing effective Audio and Visual presentations (such as Prezi and Powerpoint) 

Class #11 (Tu):

March 14

Class (Emerging Technology: Prezi)

  • Designing effective powerpoints and prezi presentations based on cognitive theories (see powerpoint)
  • Assigned to one of three groups for next class (Wiki, Blog, or Twitter)


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read two articles (Article #1 and Article #2) on designing effective Audio and Visual presentations (such as Prezi and Powerpoint) 



  • Twitter and Blog, and Wiki activity (Jigsaw approach): Assigned to one group (Twitter, Blog, or Wiki), research and be prepared to answer the following questions: 1. What is a twitter/blog/wikis? 2. How is a twitter/blog/wiki created? 3. How can twitter/blog/wiki be used in the classroom? 4. What are some challenges in intergrating twitter/blog/wikis in the classroom?
  • See below for some resources to begin your research:

Twitter resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3,

Blog resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3

Wiki resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3

Class #12 (Th):

March 16

Class (Emerging Technology: Twitter, Wiki, Blog)

  • Review next class and homework
  • Introduction to Bloom's Taxonomy and its relationship to thinking about educational technology
  • Jigsaw discussion: Twitter, Blog, and Wiki activities


Assignments Due Today:

  • Twitter and Blog, and Wiki activity (Jigsaw approach): Assigned to one group (Twitter, Blog, or Wiki), research and be prepared to answer the following questions: 1. What is a twitter/blog/wikis? 2. How is a twitter/blog/wiki created? 3. How can twitter/blog/wiki be used in the classroom? 4. What are some challenges in intergrating twitter/blog/wikis in the classroom?
  • See below for some resources to begin your research:

Twitter resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3,

Blog resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3

Wiki resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3



  • Read two articles that identify positive impact of technology on education (Article #1 and Article #2)
  • Read two articles that identify negative impact of technology on education (Article #1 and Article #2)
  • Be prepared to share your view on the impact of technology on education


Class #13 (T)

March 21

Class (The impact of technology on education)

  • Discussion on multiple perspectives: To what extent has technology affected education?


Assignments Due Today:

    • Read two articles that identify positive impact of technology on education (Article #1 and Article #2)
    • Read two articles that identify negative impact of technology on education (Article #1 and Article #2)
    • Be prepared to share your view on the impact of technology on education



  • iPad User Guide: A basic (click here)
  • Flubaroo (online grading system): click here and then select the video


Class #14 (Th):

March 23

Class (Using technology to collect, manage, and analyze data in order to improve teaching and learning)

  • Emerging Technologies IV: iPads and Google Classrooms
  • Technology to collect and manage data (Easy Grade Pro)


Assignments Due Today:

    • iPad User Guide: A basic (click here)
    • Flubaroo (online grading system): click here and then select the video



  • None
Tuesday, March 28 No Class: Spring Break
Thursday, March 30 No Class: Spring Break

Class #15 (Tu):

April 4

Class (Resumé):

  • Professional resumé discussion
  • Midsemester Evaluations
  • Worktime for resumé


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Resumé, rough draft

Class #16 (Th):

April 6

Class (Resumé):

  • Peer feedback on resumé; turn in rough draft
  • Introduce Flipped classrooms: What is the role of lecturing?
  • Example videos of flipped classrooms for different age groups


Assignments Due Today:

  • Resumé, rough draft



  • Read this article (introduces flipped classrooms): Article #1
  • Watch two short videos (why teachers use flipped classrooms): Video #1, Video #2
  • Read this article (argues against the use of flipped classrooms): Article #2

Class #17 (Tu):

April 11

Class (Flipping classrooms I):

  • Introduction to Flipped Classrooms
  • Overview of Flipped Classroom Assignment and introduction to Self-Regulated Learning Prompts for video (click here for powerpoint)
  • Overview of Technology Page (will include link to video for Flipped Classroom Assignment)
  • Begin planning topic for Flipped Class Video
  • Resumé feedback provided


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read this article (introduces flipped classrooms): Article #1
  • Watch two short videos (why teachers use flipped classrooms): Video #1, Video #2
  • Read this article (argues against the use of flipped classrooms): Article #2________________________________________________________


  • Resumé, final draft (linked to your homepage AND printed hardcopy)
  • Decide topic and potential partners for video (Flipped Classroom Assignment)

Class #18 (Th):

April 13

Class (Flipping classrooms II):

  • Discuss: (1) How to film video; (2) How to create video with Quicktime (using powerpoint and/or prezi presentations); (3) How to create Quicktime movies with embedded mac camera; (4) How to save unedited video to QuickTime and flashdisk
  • Alternatives for creating videos (Student options such as "We Video"): https://www.wevideo.com/
  • Overview of next 3 classes and Flipped Classroom assignment
  • Sign up for time to use camera to film video


Assignments Due Today:

  • Resumé, final draft (linked to your homepage AND printed hardcopy)
  • Decide topic and potential partners for video (Flipped Classroom Assignment)



  • Create draft plan for flipped classroom video

Class #19 (Tu):

April 18

Class (Flipping classrooms III):

  • Discuss iMovie and editing videos
  • Introduce YouTube and linking video in Technology Page
  • Worktime for Flipped Classroom Assignment: Create Technology Page (will embed link to YouTube video in this page)


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Finalize plan for flipped classroom video

Class #20 (Th):

April 20

Class (Flipping classrooms IV)

  • Worktime (Flipped Classroom Video): Create video


Assignments Due Today:

  • Finalize plan for flipped classroom video



  • Complete UNedited videos AND save unedited videos (in Quicktime) on Google Drive (or Flashdisk) for Flipped Class Assignment

Class #21 (Tu)

April 25

Class (Flipping classrooms V)

  • Worktime (Flipped Classroom Video): Edit video


Assignments Due Today:

  • Complete UNedited videos AND save unedited videos (in Quicktime) on Google Drive (or Flashdisk) for Flipped Class Assignment



  • Complete edited videos for Flipped Class Assignment, upload to YouTube, and link to Technology Page
Thursday, April 27 NO CLASS: Professor presenting at AERA conference

Class #22 (T):

May 2

Class (Flipping classrooms VI):

  • Share videos for Flipped Class Assignment
  • Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology: Introduction
  • Assigned to one of three topics(see Homework)


Assignments Due Today:

  • Complete edited videos for Flipped Class Assignment, upload to YouTube, and link to Technology Page


Homework (assigned to read articles from ONE of the below topics):

  • Topic #1: Ethical Issues in Technology
      1. What are ethical implications of emerging technologies? Click HERE.
      2. What are some ethical implications of technology in the classroom? Click HERE.
      3. What are current ethic challenges teachers are facing in the classroom? Click HERE.
  • Topic #2: Legal Issues in Technology
  1. Are intentionally addictive apps legal? Click HERE.
  2. What is an Acceptable Use Policy? Click HERE.
  3. What should teachers know about privacy in the classroom? Click HERE.
  • Topic #3: Social Issues in Technology
  1. What is the “digital divide”? Click HERE.
  2. What is cyberbullying? Click HERE.
  3. To what extent has technology affected how we socialize? Click HERE.

Class #23 (Th):

May 4

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues I):

  • Jigsaw apporach: Discuss three articles
  • Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology activity introduced (click here for an overview)


Assignments Due Today: Aassigned to read articles from ONE of the below topics.

    • Topic #1: Ethical Issues in Technology
        1. What are ethical implications of emerging technologies? Click HERE.
        2. What are some ethical implications of technology in the classroom? Click HERE.
        3. What are current ethic challenges teachers are facing in the classroom? Click HERE.
    • Topic #2: Legal Issues in Technology
    1. Are intentionally addictive apps legal? Click HERE.
    2. What is an Acceptable Use Policy? Click HERE.
    3. What should teachers know about privacy in the classroom? Click HERE.
    • Topic #3: Social Issues in Technology
    1. What is the “digital divide”? Click HERE.
    2. What is cyberbullying? Click HERE.
    3. To what extent has technology affected how we socialize? Click HERE.


  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology (will have worktime during next class)

Class #24 (Tu):

May 9

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues II):

  • Worktime: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology

Class #25 (Th):

May 11

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues II):

  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology
  • Writing key assessment description and rationale and its relationship to SmartBoard paper


Assignments Due Today:

  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology



  • None

Class #26 (Tu):

May 16

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues III):

  • TaskStream and uploading SmartBoard presentation, writing description and rationale
  • Introduce Technology Page (final assignment)
  • End of the year evaluations


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Technology page, final draft (Note: Technology page due at assigned final time for EDU 241)
  • Upload SmartBoard presentation (artifact) and paper (key assessment description and rationale) to TaskStream (Standard 6) if you have a TaskStream Account





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