Daniel C. Moos, Ph.D.


Gustavus Adolphus College, Department of Education


Educational Technology: Fall 2016 Syllabus

Note: Syllabus Subject To Change


Class #1 (Tu):

Sept 6


Class (First Class):

  • Introductions & class expectations


Assignments Due Today:



  • Watch introductory video on designing websites in Wix: Click HERE

Class #2 (Th):

Sept 8


Class (Create your website):

  • Introduce Wix
  • Introduce Homepage
  • Worktime for Homepage


Assignments Due Today:

  • Watch introductory video on designing websites in Wix: Click HERE


  • Complete rough draft of Homepage (final draft, online due Class #5)

Class #3 (Tu):

Sept 13



Class (Add to your website):

  • Editing digital images with Photoshop lesson (see "cheat sheet")
  • Introduce Majors Page
  • Worktime for Homepage & Majors page

Assignments Due Today:

  • Homepage, rough draft


  • Majors Page, rough draft (final draft, online due Class #5)

Class #4 (Th):

Sept 15



Class (Introduction to SmartBoard):

  • Smartboard Introduction (identifying how to use Smartboard to enable learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities)
  • Clickers/SENTIOs
  • Discuss Smartboard Activity

Assignments Due Today:

  • Majors page, rough draft (final draft, online due Class #5)


  • Majors page, final draft, online
  • Homepage, final draft, online
  • Watch introductory SmartBoard videos (located in "Assignments" webpage for this course. Scroll down to Smartboard and the links to these videos will be in "What additional resources are available?)

Class #5 (Tu):

Sept 20

Class (SmartBoard, continued):

  • Review SmartBoard introductory videos
  • Smartboard Overview and practice (with Notebook on individual computers)


Assignments Due Today:

  • Majors page, final draft, online
  • Homepage, final draft, online
  • Watch introductory SmartBoard videos: located in "Assignments" webpage for this course. Scroll down to Smartboard and the links to these videos will be under "What additional resources are available?"



  • SmartBoard Presentation: (1) Identify if you would like to work with a partner; (2) Choose your topic for a 15 minute presentation

Class #6 (Th):

Sept 22

Class (SmartBoard, continued):

  • Uploading and hyperlinking documents to a website; creating PDFs (for resumé)
  • SmartBoard worktime
  • SmartBoard Presentation signup


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)
  • Work on SmartBoard Presentation AND paper

Class #7 (Th):

Sept 29

Class (Emerging Technlogy: Concept Maps)

  • Concept Maps (Inspiration/Kidspiration)/ Discuss Reaction Paper
  • Continuous development in technology knowledge; discuss a variety of media and educational technology to enrich and assess learning:

    Example of step 1 in Concept Maps, click here

    Example of step 2 in Concept Maps, click here

    Example of step 3 in Concept Maps, click here

    Example of step 4 in Concept Maps, click here


    Assignments Due Today:

    • Read article (Click HERE)
    • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)



    • Read article (Click HERE)
    • Watch Video (Click HERE)
    • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)

Class #8 (Tu):

Oct 4

Class (Emerging Technlogy: Garageband)

  • Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intellgience/ Discuss Reaction Paper
  • Garageband (Emotions and Character Development in Harry Potter: click here.; Music in content areas such as Math: click here).


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Watch Video (Click HERE)
  • Write Reaction Paper (Click HERE)



  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Watch Video (Click HERE)

Class #9 (Th):

Oct 6

Class (Emerging Technlogy: Adventure Learning)

  • Constructivism
  • Constructivism powerpoint (Click HERE)
  • Adventure Learning and Second Life


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read article (Click HERE)
  • Watch Video (Click HERE)



  • Read two articles (Article #1 and Article #2) on designing effective Audio and Visual presentations (such as Prezi and Powerpoint) 
  • Work on SmartBoard Presentation AND paper

Class #10 (Tu):

Oct 11

Class (Emerging Technlogy: Prezi)

  • Designing effective powerpoints and prezi presentations based on cognitive theories (see powerpoint)
  • Assigned to one of three groups for next class (Wiki, Blog, or Twitter)


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read two articles (Article #1 and Article #2) on designing effective Audio and Visual presentations (such as Prezi and Powerpoint) 



  • Twitter and Blog, and Wiki activity (Jigsaw approach): Assigned to one group (Twitter, Blog, or Wiki), research and be prepared to answer the following questions: 1. What is a twitter/blog/wikis? 2. How is a twitter/blog/wiki created? 3. How can twitter/blog/wiki be used in the classroom? 4. What are some challenges in intergrating twitter/blog/wikis in the classroom?
  • See below for some resources to begin your research:

Twitter resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3,

Blog resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3

Wiki resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3

  • Work on SmartBoard Presentation AND paper

Class #11 (Th):

Oct 13

Class (Emerging Technlogy: Twitter, Wiki, Blog)

  • Introduction to Bloom's Taxonomy and its relationship to thinking about educational technology
  • Jigsaw discussion: Twitter, Blog, and Wiki activities


Assignments Due Today:

  • Twitter and Blog, and Wiki activity (Jigsaw approach): Assigned to one group (Twitter, Blog, or Wiki), research and be prepared to answer the following questions: 1. What is a twitter/blog/wikis? 2. How is a twitter/blog/wiki created? 3. How can twitter/blog/wiki be used in the classroom? 4. What are some challenges in intergrating twitter/blog/wikis in the classroom?
  • See below for some resources to begin your research:

Twitter resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3,

Blog resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3

Wiki resources: Article #1, Article #2, Article #3



  • iPad User Guide: A basic (click here)
  • Flubaroo (online grading system): click here and then select the video

Class #12 (Tu):

Oct 18

Class (Using technology to collect, manage, and analyze data in order to improve teaching and learning)

  • Emerging Technologies IV: iPads and Google Classrooms
  • Technology to collect and manage data (Easy Grade Pro)


Assignments Due Today:

    • iPad User Guide: A basic (click here)
    • Flubaroo (online grading system): click here and then select the video



  • SmartBoard presentation AND paper

Clas #13 (Th):

Oct 20



Class (SmartBoard worktime):

  • Worktime: SmartBoard Presentation and Paper

Assignments Due Today:

  • None


  • SmartBoard Presentation and paper

Class #14 (Th):

Oct 27




Class (SmartBoard presentations):

  • SmartBoard presentations (informal)


Assignments Due Today:

  • SmartBoard Presentation and paper



  • SmartBoard Presentation and paper

Class #15 (Tu):

Nov 1

Class (Resumé):

  • Professional resumé discussion
  • Midsemester Evaluations
  • Worktime for resumé


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Resumé, rough draft

Class #16 (Th):

Nov 3

Class (Resumé):

  • Peer feedback on resumé; turn in rough draft
  • Introduce Flipped classrooms: What is the role of lecturing?
  • Example videos of flipped classrooms for different age groups


Assignments Due Today:

  • Resumé, rough draft



  • Read this article (introduces flipped classrooms): Article #1
  • Watch two short videos (why teachers use flipped classrooms): Video #1, Video #2
  • Read this article (argues against the use of flipped classrooms): Article #2

Class #17 (Tu):

Nov 8

Class (Flipping classrooms I):

  • Introduction to Flipped Classrooms
  • Overview of Flipped Classroom Assignment and introduction to Self-Regulated Learning Prompts for video (click here for powerpoint)
  • Overview of Technology Page (will include link to video for Flipped Classroom Assignment)
  • Begin planning topic for Flipped Class Video
  • Resumé feedback provided


Assignments Due Today:

  • Read this article (introduces flipped classrooms): Article #1
  • Watch two short videos (why teachers use flipped classrooms): Video #1, Video #2
  • Read this article (argues against the use of flipped classrooms): Article #2________________________________________________________


  • Resumé, final draft (linked to your homepage AND printed hardcopy)
  • Decide topic and potential partners for video (Flipped Classroom Assignment)

Class #18 (Th):

Nov 10

Class (Flipping classrooms II):

  • Discuss: (1) How to film video; (2) How to create video with Quicktime (using powerpoint and/or prezi presentations); (3) How to create Quicktime movies with embedded mac camera; (4) How to save unedited video to QuickTime and flashdisk
  • Alternatives for creating videos (Student options such as "We Video"): https://www.wevideo.com/
  • Overview of next 3 classes and Flipped Classroom assignment
  • Sign up for time to use camera to film video


Assignments Due Today:

  • Resumé, final draft (linked to your homepage AND printed hardcopy)
  • Decide topic and potential partners for video (Flipped Classroom Assignment)



  • Create draft plan for flipped classroom video

Class #19 (Tu):

Nov 15

Class (Flipping classrooms III):

  • Discuss iMovie and editing videos
  • Introduce YouTube and linking video in Technology Page
  • Worktime for Flipped Classroom Assignment: Create Technology Page (will embed link to YouTube video in this page)


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Finalize plan for flipped classroom video

Class #20 (Th):

Nov 17

Class (Flipping classrooms IV)

  • Worktime (Flipped Classroom Video): Create video


Assignments Due Today:

  • Finalize plan for flipped classroom video



  • Complete UNedited videos AND save unedited videos (in Quicktime) on Google Drive (or Flashdisk) for Flipped Class Assignment

Class #21 (Tu)

Nov 22

Class (Flipping classrooms V)

  • Worktime (Flipped Classroom Video): Edit video


Assignments Due Today:

  • Complete UNedited videos AND save unedited videos (in Quicktime) on Google Drive (or Flashdisk) for Flipped Class Assignment



  • Complete edited videos for Flipped Class Assignment, upload to YouTube, and link to Technology Page

Class #22 (T):

Nov 29

Class (Flipping classrooms VI):

  • Share videos for Flipped Class Assignment
  • Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology: Introduction
  • Assigned to one of three topics(see Homework)


Assignments Due Today:

  • Complete edited videos for Flipped Class Assignment, upload to YouTube, and link to Technology Page


Homework (assigned to read articles from ONE of the below topics):

  • Topic #1: Ethical Issues in Technology
      1. Freedom of Speech (click here and click here)
      2. Privacy (click here)
      3. Academic dishonesty (click here)
  • Topic #2: Legal Issues in Technology
  1. Copyright and fair use (click here)
  2. Privacy (click here)
  3. Acceptable Use (click here)
  4. Software piracy (click here)
  • Topic #3: Social Issues in Technology
  1. The digital divide (click here)
  2. Cyberbullying (click here and click here and click here)
  3. Online/Social interactions (click here)

Class #23 (Th):

Dec 1

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues I):

  • Jigsaw apporach: Discuss three articles
  • Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology activity introduced (click here for an overview)


Assignments Due Today:

  • Topic #1: Ethical Issues in Technology
      1. Freedom of Speech (click here and click here)
      2. Privacy (click here)
      3. Academic dishonesty (click here)
  • Topic #2: Legal Issues in Technology
  1. Copyright and fair use (click here)
  2. Privacy (click here)
  3. Acceptable Use (click here)
  4. Software piracy (click here)
  • Topic #3: Social Issues in Technology
  1. The digital divide (click here)
  2. Cyberbullying (click here and click here and click here)
  3. Online/Social interactions (click here)


  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology (will have worktime during next class)

Class #24 (Tu):

Dec 6

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues II):

  • Worktime: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology


Assignments Due Today:

  • None



  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology

Class #25 (Th):

Dec 8

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues II):

  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology
  • Writing key assessment description and rationale and its relationship to SmartBoard paper


Assignments Due Today:

  • Presentations/discussion: Social, ethical, and legal issues related to technology



  • SmartBoard Paper (bring a hardcopy to class AND make sure you have access to an electronic during class)

Class #26 (Tu):

Dec 13

Class (Social, ethical, and legal issues III):

  • TaskStream and uploading SmartBoard presentation, writing description and rationale (or create WebPage)
  • Introduce Technology Page (final assignment)
  • End of the year evaluations


Assignments Due Today:

  • SmartBoard Paper (bring a hardcopy to class AND make sure you have access to an electronic during class)



  • Technology page, final draft (Note: Technology page due at assigned final time for EDU 241)
  • Upload SmartBoard presentation (artifact) and paper (key assessment description and rationale) to TaskStream (Standard 6) OR create a new webpage (if you do not have a TaskStream account)





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