Daniel C. Moos, Ph.D.


Gustavus Adolphus College, Department of Education


Educational Technology: Overview


Dr. Daniel C. Moos

Email or Office Phone (507-933-7448)

Office Hours

Mondays 2:30 - 3:30

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 12:30 - 1:30

Contact the professor to arrange alternative times


EDU 241-001 (section #1): Tuesday 1:30 to 2:20 pm; Thursday 1:30 to 2:20 pm

EDU 241-002 (section #2 ): Tuesday 2:30 to 3:20 pm; Thursday 2:30 to 3:20 pm

Textbook and Required Course Materials

NO Required Textbook

All material for this course, including syllabus and assignments, can be accessed through the course website:


Description of the course
This course is designed for prospective teachers pursuing licensure in elementary or secondary education. Understanding how to effectively use technology in the classroom to facilitate teaching and learning is essential for prospective teachers within all disciplines. In this course, we will investigate use of computer-based technology as a pedagogical tool to improve the teaching and learning process. By exploring productivity tools, educational software, web-based information, and by developing web quests and other projects, prospective teachers will be able to better promote information literacy in K-12 students. Additionally, each prospective teacher will be exposed to various theoretical frameworks that explain how students learn with computer-based technology. Furthermore, prospective teachers will also develop a professional electronic portfolio designed to showcase personal technology and educational skills, and provide a venue for reflection about what constitutes effective teaching.


Course Policies


This course follows the Education Department Attendance Policy

Teachers are expected to be on time, ready for class each day and to fully participate in all school and faculty events. In preparation for this key professional disposition, the Education Department has an attendance policy that reflects these expectations. This policy is also based on the fact that class discussion, engagement and peer interaction cannot be replicated in any make-up assignment. This policy actualizes the Education Department Professionalism Statement by the following:

        (1) Cumulative absences (excused or not excused) equaling 15% or more of scheduled class meetings will result in a lowering of the grade by one letter grade. Cumulative absences (excused or not excused) equaling 25% or more of scheduled class meetings will result in a D grade. This will require a retake to remain in the education program. Excused absences are those that come with written documentation. Illness excuses must be communicated to the instructor at least one half hour prior to the start of the class period. Extenuating circumstances MAY be considered by the instructor.

       (2) Five or more late entrances into class (for one hour classes) and two or more late entrances (for longer classes) will result in a decrease of the final grade by one letter grade.

        (3) Absences from any practicum requirement for this course without prior contact (at least a half hour prior to the start of the placement experience) with the instructor and the placement teacher will result in a decrease in the final grade by one letter grade. In addition, more than one excused absence must be made up by the student on the student’s own time, with a signed statement form the placement teacher attesting to the additional visit(s), returned to the course instructor.


Assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the assigned due date. Assignments will be automatically marked down ten percentage points for each weekday that they are late.

Academic Integrity

It is assumed that all students understand the consequences of academic dishonesty at Gustavus Adolphus College. Full descriptions of the Academic Honesty Policy and the Honor Code can be found in the catalogue on the web at:   http://gustavus.edu/academics/general_catalog/current/index.cfm?pr=acainfo


The professor will be readily accessible via email. It is expected that students regularly check and respond to their Gustavus email account for communication related to this course.


Course Support

Disability Services

Gustavus Adolphus College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in its programs. If you have a documented disability, or you think you may have a disability of any nature (e.g., mental health, attentional, learning, chronic health, sensory, or physical) and, as a result, need reasonable academic accommodation to participate in class, take tests or benefit from the College’s services, then you should speak with the Disability Services staff, for a confidential discussion of your needs and appropriate plans. Course requirements cannot be waived, but reasonable accommodations may be provided based on disability documentation and course outcomes. Accommodations cannot be made retroactively; therefore, to maximize your academic success at Gustavus, please contact Accessibility Resources as early as possible. Accessibility Resources (https://gustavus.edu/advising/disability/) is located in the Center for Academic Resources and Enhancement. Accessibility Resources Coordinator, Kelly Karstad, (kkarstad@gustavus.edu or x7138), can provide further information.


Help for Multilingual Students

Support for English learners and multilingual students is available through the Center for Academic Resources and Enhancement’s Multilingual Learner Tutor (https://gustavus.edu/advising/). The MLL tutor can meet individually with students for tutoring in writing, consulting about academic tasks, and helping students connect with the College’s support systems. When requested, the MLL tutor can consult with faculty regarding effective classroom strategies for English learners and multilingual students. If requested, the MLL tutor can provide students with a letter to a professor that explains and supports appropriate academic arrangements (e.g., additional time on tests, additional revisions for papers). Professors make decisions based on those recommendations at their own discretion. In addition, English learners and multilingual students can seek help from peer tutors in the Writing Center (https://gustavus.edu/writingcenter/).

Mental Wellbeing

The Gustavus community is committed to and cares about all students. Strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol or drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating, and/or lack of motivation may affect a student’s academic performance or reduce a student’s ability to participate in daily activities. If you or someone you know expresses such mental health concerns or experiences a stressful event that can create barriers to learning, Gustavus services are available to assist you. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential health services available on campus at https://gustavus.edu/counseling/ and https://gustavus.edu/deanofstudents/services/.




Grading System:



















80 - 82











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