Daniel C. Moos, Ph.D.


Gustavus Adolphus College, Department of Education


EDU 330: Developmental & Educational Psychology

Class Documents (including syllabus, review guides, and assignment directions), Class homework reading/video and Powerpoints, Interesting Articles, Sample lesson plans

Standards met by EDU 330: Development & Educational Psychology



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  • Critical Thinking Assignment: See below for sample Critical Thinking assignments from prior semesters. The assignment has changed each semester so these sample assignments are intended to provide an approximate guideline.
  1. Dancing to learn: The use of dance in schools (video)
  2. Art Education
  3. Dynamic Brain
  4. Motivation and Metacognition
  5. Information Processing Theory in Context

Resources for conceptualizing, supporting and evaluating "effort":

Rubric #1 (self-evaluation for growth vs fixed mindset)

Rubric #2 (self-evaluation for effort vs achievement)

Rubric #3 (simplified generic self-evaluation effort rubric)

Rubric #4 (teacher attitude and effort evaluation)

Rubric #5 (teacher participation and effort evaluation)




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Class 1: Introduction      


Class 2: Self-Regulated Learning

  • Article #1 (what is "learning"?): Click here
  • Article #2 (what is "self-regulated learning"?): Click here
  • Powerpoint for Today's class: Self-Regulated Learning


Class 3: Constructivism

  • Article #1: Click here
  • Article #2 (note Article #1 and #2 short articles from same website): Click here
  • Video: Click here
  • Complete Reaction Paper/Assignment: Click here
  • Powerpoint for today'class: Constructivism


Class 4: Promoting Conceptual Change AND Concept Attainment

  • Article #1 (overview of conceptual change): Click here (Note: This webpage has links to additional effective pedagogies)
  • Article & Video (One stategy to facilitate conceptual change: Concept Attainment): Click here (Note: make sure to watch the video embedded within the end of the article)
  • Powerpoint for today'class: Conceptual Change and Concept Attainment


Class 5: Information Processing Theory


Class 6: Metacognition  

  • Article: Click here
  • Video: Click here
  • Complete Reaction Paper/Assignment: Click here.
  • Powerpoint for today's classMetacognition


Class 7: Quiz (Information Processing Theory & Metacognition)

No assigned reading or video (study for quiz)


Class 8: Cognitive Development (Piaget)


Class 9: Age-Level Characteristics

Read one of the following articles on your developmental group:

  • Preschool & Kindergarten (click here)
  • 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade (click here)
  • 4th or 5th grade (click here)
  • Middle School (click here)
  • High School (click here)
  • Powerpoint for today'class: Morality Development


Class 10: Cognitive Development (Vygotsky)  


Class 11: Quiz (Cognitive Development & Age-Level Characteristics)

No assigned reading or video (study for quiz)


Class 12: Intelligence

  • Article on Gardner's Theory: Click here
  • Video on Sternberg's Theory: Click here
  • Article: Click here (Read pages 438 – 443 and 455 - 457)
  • Powerpoint for today's class: Intelligence


Class 13: Growth vs. fixed mindset views of intelligence


Class 14: Learning Styles” (do they really exist?)

  • Watch video of Ken Robinson's views on education: Click here
  • Read response to Ken Robinson's view on education: Click here
  • Read article questioning the existence of "learning styles": Click here
  • Complete Reaction Paper/Assignment: Click here.
  • Powerpoint for today's class: "Learning Styles"


Class 15: Quiz (Intelligence, growth/fixed mindsets, & "learning styles")

No assigned reading or video (study for quiz)


Class 16: Critical Thinking Assignment/ Experiential Activity Work Day& Individual Meetings with Professor

Complete Reaction Paper: Click here


Class 17: Experiential Activity #1

No assigned reading, video, or assessment             


Class 18: Experiential Activity #2

No assigned reading, video, or assessment  


Class 19: Experiential Activity Debrief & Class Review

  • Complete Reaction Paper/Assignment for experiential activity


Class 20: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

  • Article #1: Click here
  • Article #2: Click here


Class 21: Additional Theories of Motivation

No assigned reading, video, or assessment (Critical Thining Assignment, Rough Draft Due)  


Class 22: Classroom Assessment(Validity & Reliability)


Class 23: Using assessment to inform instruction


Class 24: Critical Thinking Work Day & To Be Announce (topic of interest generated by class)

No assigned reading, video, or assessment (keep working on your Critical Thining Assignment)  


Class 25: Share Critical Thinking Assignment/ Complete and Upload Key Assessments for Standards 5 and 10 (TaskStream)

  • Critical Thinking Assignment, Final due at the start of today's class


Class 26: Final Application administered

  • Standards 5 and 10 completed (TaskStream) by the start of today's class




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Thoughts on Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligence, and Educational Reform:


The role of Educational Psychology in teaching

Rethinking technology

Self-Regulated Learning


Intelligence, motivation, and setting students up for success




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  • Hot Chalk Lesson Plans: Click here (Select "Lesson Plans" in navigation bar to identify lesson plans by content area. You can filter by grade level once you select the content area)








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