Daniel C. Moos, Ph.D.


Gustavus Adolphus College, Department of Education


Educational Psychology (Spring 2015)

Class Documents (including syllabus, review guides, and assignment directions), Class homework reading/video and Powerpoints, Interesting Articles, Sample lesson plans, Information on Standards, MTLE Study Materials



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  1. Dancing to learn: The use of dance in schools (video)
  2. Art Education
  3. Dynamic Brain
  4. Motivation and Metacognition
  5. Information Processing Theory in Context



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February 10: Class #1 (Introduction): Edison Quote ppt, Starfish Video


February 12: Class #2 (Psychosocial Development; otherwise known as Personality Development):


February 17: Class #3 (Cognitive Development, Piaget):


February 19: Class #4 (Cognitive Development, Vygotsky):

  • Video #1: Click here
  • Article on mediation: Click here
  • Video #2 (Piaget vs. Vygotsky): Click here (opening video) and click here (follow-up video)
  • Assessment: Complete the following 3-2-1 worksheet on either Piaget or Vygotsky (click here)
  • Powerpoint for today's class: Cognitive Development (Vygotsky)


February 24: Class #5 (Moral Development):

  • Article (read before watching video): Click here
  • Video: Click here
  • Assessment: Complete the following worksheet (click here)
  • Powerpoint for today'class: Moral Development


February 26: Class #6 (Age level Characteristics):

Read one of the following articles on your developmental group:

  • Preschool & Kindergarten (click here)
  • 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade (click here)
  • 4th or 5th grade (click here)
  • Middle School (click here)
  • High School (click here)


March 3: Class #7 (Intelligence)

  • Video #1: Click here
  • Video #2: Click here
  • Article Smartness as a Cultural Practice in Schools: Click here (Do NOT read entire article; read pages 438 – 443 and 455 - 457)
  • Assessment: Complete the following worksheet (click here)

Powerpoint for today'class: Intelligence


March 5: Class #8 (Truth behind "learning styles"):

  • Watch one of Ken Robinson's views on education: Video #1, Video #2, Video #3;
  • Read response to Ken Robinson's view on education: Click here.
  • Read an article questioning the existence of "learning styles": Click here.


March 10: Class #9 (Behaviorism):

  • Video #1: Click here
  • Video #2: Click here
  • Assessment: Complete the following worksheet (click here)
  • Powerpoint for today'class: Behaviorism


March 12: Class #10:

  • No assigned reading, video, or assessment


March 17:Class #11 (Social Cognitive Theory):


March 19: Class #12 (Constructivism):


March 24:Class #13 (Transfer):


March 26: Class #14:

  • No assigned reading, video, or assessment


April 7: Class #15 (Approaches to Instruction):

During class #15, you will be assigned to read one of the following articles:


April 9: Class #16:

  • No assigned reading, video, or assessment


April 14: Class #17 (Experiential Activity):

  • No assigned reading, video, or assessment


April 16: Class #18 (Information Processing Theory):


April 21: Class #19 (Metacognition):


April 23: Class #20 (Motivation I):

  • No assigned reading, video, or assessment


    April 28: Class #21:

    • No assigned reading, video, or assessment


April 30: Class #22 (Motivation II):


May 5: Class #23 (Motivation III):

  • Read Case Study (click here)
  • Read Article on Cross cultural differences in motivation (Note: Read pages pages 175 – 178; 189 – 194; Click here)
  • Powerpoint for today's class: Motivation (Cultural Considerations)


    May 7: Class #24:

    • No assigned reading, video, or assessment


May 12: Class #25 (Assessment):

  • Article #1: Click here
  • Article #2: Click here
  • Article #3: Click here
  • Article #4 (assessment, feedback and motivation): Click here
  • Assessment: Complete the following worksheet (click here)
  • Powerpoint for today'class: Classroom Assessment


May 14: Class #26 (Standardized Testing):

  • No assigned reading, video, or assessment
  • Powerpoint for today'class: Standardized Testing (I)


    May 19: Class #27:

    • No assigned reading, video, or assessment




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Thoughts on Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligence, and Educational Reform:


The role of Educational Psychology in teaching

Rethinking technology

Self-Regulated Learning


Intelligence, motivation, and setting students up for success




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Social Studies
Communication Arts/Literature/Language Arts
Foreign Language
Physical Education and Health



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How do I write the artifact and rationale? Click here for an overview and click here for a sample.


Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examination (MTLE) Materials

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